Jerusalem - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there any particular health concerns? What is the quality of available medical care? What medical conditions typically require medical evacuation?

We have had to use the Urgent Care a couple times for minor (but important) situations. We were able to get the help we needed. My daughter was able to get orthodontic treatment (Invisalign) at the orthodonist in Tel Aviv- prices comparable to US. You don't always see the same sanitation standards as in the US and definitely no delicacy with privacy of information but we were well taken care of any time we have needed to get medical care. - Sep 2024

No particular health concerns. Medical care is excellent. There are two major hospitals in Jerusalem: Shaare Tzedek and Hadassah. There's also a maternity hospital in East Jerusalem that a lot of people use because you can get a private room. While Herzliya Medical Center has direct billing, their fees are well above the fees set by the FSBP and you wind up being out of pocket for way more than if you saw doctors at either major hospital in Jerusalem, so in the end, between being out of pocket for the high fees; the hour and a half drive; and the NIS 30 fees for driving on Hwy 6 each way; going to Herzliya Medical Center is not worth it. - Nov 2022

Medical care is great, both at the Embassy and on the economy. - Oct 2019

Medical care is good and the doctors and nurses speak English but at the reception desk customer service is terrible and mostly in Hebrew. The Health Unit at the consulate provides a lot of help translating and booking appointments. Most problems can be taken care of here or in Tel Aviv. I had a baby in East Jerusalem and the doctors, nurses and staff were all really good, very relaxed and warm. - Aug 2018

No diseases or air quality problems. Medical care is very good, and some people stay to give birth here. You could get pretty much any treatment here, though medical culture might be different enough for you not to want to for something really serious. - Apr 2018

Medical care is excellent in Israel. - Dec 2016

Decent, but not cheap by non-US standards. Medical care we've received in other Posts has been much cheaper and of better or comparable quality. - Aug 2015

Great medical care. Lots of good doctors with prices that are maybe 40% of U.S. prices. We found a bunch of great english-speaking doctors (GP and specialists) in a building called "Kiryat Wolfson" (most located on the third floor). Medicine is also 40% of cost in the U.S. - Aug 2015

I was told not to go in the water without Hep A shots..:) Other than that I was not concerned at all. Medical care was pretty good. We did not have a doctor at the consulate at that time so we used doctors on the economy and they were very nice. - May 2015

Quality of medical care is standard. The Herzliya Medical Center north of Tel Aviv will also take Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. - Mar 2014

Medical care is good and available. - Aug 2013

The level of health care is very high, as long as you have the money to pay privately to skip the queues that most Israelis endure. - Jul 2013

Medical quality is very good; the hospitals are not very confortable, you have to share room and bathroom. The nurses are very unfriendly, but the doctors are good. - Feb 2009

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