Jerusalem - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there personal security concerns to be aware of at this post? Please describe.

Driving can be very stressful here. Avoid crowds of angry people. Common sense. - Sep 2024

Yes. Refer to the country information sheet for more information. The concerns are terrorism-related, though. There's almost no non-terrorism crime in Israel or the West Bank. - Nov 2022

Constant security concerns. You'll get to know your "SAFE" and "Red Alert" apps very well, and there's enough stabbings, knifings, etc. at check points and in the old city that it just becomes something else to plan around. Currently the security situation feels relatively stable, and we're allowed to travel into specific parts of the West Bank with relative freedom... but that could change tomorrow without any notice. - Oct 2019

I have heard of politically motivated stabbings and ramming attacks. Mostly Palestinians attacking Israelis but some foreigners get caught in the mix occasionally. Our access to the Old City is closed during particularly tense times when chance of attacks go up but it is always opened up as soon as things quiet down. That said, I feel safe walking anywhere day or night as there is not much petty crime. - Aug 2018

Terrorism (mostly stabbings, some car ramming, and at this point, very rare bombs) are the security threats we think about here. While it always feels on the brink of war, I experience this mostly as abstract tension and anxiety. You stay more vigilant here about the security situation and political feeling, but it does not feel personally threatening to me. I follow the security warnings. Otherwise, there is no petty crime. I do not worry about burglary, robbery, rape, assault. I feel fairly safe here walking around at night alone. You get used to the intense police state, with its cameras and guns everywhere. - Apr 2018

Not really. Security in Jerusalem and in Israel overall is pretty intense. I think that petty crime is almost non-existent. Any security issues are in regard to political unrest. Set your alarm, lock your car, and be attentive. - Dec 2016

Yes, of course. It's Jerusalem. By and large, though, as long as you avoid demonstrations there's little to worry about day to day. When violence flares up in the region, it affects Jerusalem. We had sirens from Gaza rockets during two different periods. There was little chance of impacts in Jerusalem, but it does affect the morale and psychology at Post when you have that hanging over your head for weeks at a time. - Aug 2015

There is a terrorist attack once every few weeks. Most are small scale (e.g. stabbings or vehicle attacks on pedestrians). They are definitely concerning, but when you factor in the low murder rate, the overall risk of a violent death in Jerusalem is lower than in many other places in the world. My family and I felt safe, though there are certainly neighborhoods we avoided. - Aug 2015

Just keep an eye out like you do in the States. I felt pretty safe here, even with my children. I walked at night by myself in well-lit areas and never felt threatened. I know there are some places that are not as safe as others. You learn where they are pretty quickly. - May 2015

Chief of Mission personnel are not allowed to use public buses. Taxis, Sheruts, and light rail are all allowed. Sometimes security situations dictate movement restrictions to the West Bank (offical business and personal travel to approved areas-Jericho & Bethlehem). - Mar 2014

I've never felt unsafe and have never heard of petty crimes. There were a few burglars on expats' housings, people climbing onto 2nd floor apartments when people are away or asleep. Most of the concerns are on a bigger scale, like missile and bombs threats. All housing has a built-in bomb shelter somewhere. We are not allowed to travel to the West Bank (except Bethlehem and Jericho, sometimes) unless it's for official purposes and only in armored vehicles. - Aug 2013

Street crime is negligible. The main concern is political or ethnic violence, especially mass terrorist attacks against civilians by Palestinian extremists. There are been no significant attacks in the city for several years, but terrorism could return with political tension. There are also occasional ethnic attacks, such as violent attacks and intimidation by extremist Jews against Arabs or those they assume to be Arabs. - Jul 2013

In 3 years, only 2 terrorist attacks here, and about 4 dead. It is not to bad, but we cannot go to the West Bank, or of course to Gaza. The consulate overprotects us a lot. - Feb 2009

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