Kinshasa - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the overall climate: is it extremely hot or cold, wet or dry, at any time of year, for example?

Warm in “dry season” and hot in rainy season. - Sep 2024

Hot with two seasons, wet and dry. This is a tropical environment. - May 2024

Hot and dusty during the dry season, then hot and unbearably humid during the rainy season. - Aug 2022

There's a rainy season (about 8 months long) and a dry season (about 4 months long). Rainy season is very sunny and hot, with frequent rainstorms that cool everything off and make things humid and lush. The storms are beautiful! Dry season is warm, a bit gray, and with minimal rain. - May 2022

Hot, except in the summer which is really lovely at nighttime. - Aug 2019

It it tropical; hot and humid almost all year. There is a dry season, which lasts roughly June - August/September, when it is cooler and does not rain. During the rainy season highs are usually in the 90s with oppressive humidity, getting into the 70s at night. The dry season highs are usually low 80s, getting into the 60s at night. - Apr 2019

Two seasons: rainy (Sept-June) is hot, humid with almost daily thunderstorms, dry (June-Aug) is much cooler (low 70s in the AM), breezy and overcast. The dry season is a nice break from the heat. - Dec 2017

Extremely hot in summer with high humidity. - Dec 2017

I think the climate is fine, although you do need air conditioning. There are wet and dry seasons. Year-round, the weather is in the 80s and 90s, with varying humidity depending on the time of year. Bring rain gear and breathable shoes that can get wet. - Jan 2017

Hot and humid. In part of the summer months, it would cool down a bit (67 degrees in the morning), but always with drippy humidity. - Sep 2016

A dry season (June-September) which is cooler (70s-80s F), but more overcast and cloudy, and a wet season (September-May) which is hotter, but sunnier. I've heard that DRC has more thunderstorms than anywhere in the world because of its location and we do have some doozies, but generally it rains like mad for 2-3 hours and then it stops and the sun comes out. I love the weather here as I am not a fan of the cold and love being able to wear summer clothes, and lounge in the pool, practically every day of the year. - Apr 2016

Weather patterns are far more liveable than I had feared. The dry season (March/April - September/October) is very moderate with daytime temperatures in the upper 70s to 80s and fairly low humidity. The rainy season starts in September and gets properly going in November/December. January and February are the hottest months with daytime highs well into the 90s and high humidity. - Jan 2014

Hot and sunny with regular and very big rainstorms from September to about April. Cloudy and cooler with very little rain from May to August. From November to about March, the middle of the day is really quite hot, but it's usually manageable the rest of the time. - Nov 2012

Nice. Never too hot, never too cold. Always humid,though. - May 2012

It is very hot and humid in the rainy season. In the dry season, it is overcast and cooler (80s). There are very strong thunder and rain storms that can flash flood. - Feb 2012

OK. Very Hot in the rainy season - and nice and dry during the dry season - Nov 2011

Pretty OK. Between 25-33 degrees celsius year-round. It can be a bit grey in the dry season (May-July), and it does not rain all the time in the rainy season; but when it rains, it rains!! - Aug 2011

Dry season/wet season. Dusty and dirty during the dry season, hot/humid/dirty during the wet season - Jan 2011

Dry and wet seasons. - Oct 2010

Hot, humid, overcast during the dry season; hot, humid & sunny during the rainy season (go figure). - Jan 2009

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