Kinshasa - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the availability of international schools? What has been your general experience with them, if any?

TASOK (the American School) is excellent. - Sep 2024

TASOK is where most kids go and is English speaking. I wouldn't recommend middle or high school here; the education is far behind, and your kids will struggle after leaving this post. There's also a French school that's a bit better but they don't have an embassy bus like TASOK so you are responsible for transportation. - May 2024

There is TASOK, "The American School Of Kinshasa", that's where most of the Embassy personnel send their kids. There is a French School where some mission folks send their kids to. TASOK has long days, the kids leave around 6:40-6:50 AM to start school at 8:00AM, then leave school at 3:15 PM to return home, if they are lucky, at 3:40/3:45. if they are not lucky, it can take them more than one hour to come back home. The French School has shorter days, kids are back home around 1:30 PM. There is no Embassy Bus service to the French School, only to TASOK. People complain that kids are not learning enough at TASOK, specially the kids in secondary. I wouldn't bring my teenager kids to this place. - Aug 2022

There are English and French options and most go to TASOK. Our kids loved TASOK. If you have a high schooler, really consider the options carefully. There are 20 - 30 kids per grade, depending on the year. Sometimes less for the seniors. If they thrive in smaller schools, this is a great one that really maximizes what they offer. Also, its an awesome campus. - Aug 2019

I don't have children, so I can't speak in detail. Most Embassy kids go to The American School of Kinshasa (TASOK), though there are a few other options. Most people seem happy with the school, especially younger kids. - Apr 2019

The American School of Kinshasa (TASOK) K-12, or the French School. Overall, people are happy with schooling. - Dec 2017

TASOK is fantastic. We can't say too many good things about it. Beautiful 40 some acre campus with open air hallways and good food.

One drawback, your kids will need real bug spray daily and will need to reapply after swimming, PE, or even just mid-day. The bugs are terrible over there. My children wear longs sleeves and pants to school (and hate it) as well as use lots of repellent. We even also treat their clothes with Picaridin because otherwise the mosquitoes bite through their leggings and thin fabrics. - Mar 2017

Most parents were pretty happy with TASOK. Several families, including mine, were at the French school and happy with it. Belgian school was popular, though not among most expats. - Sep 2016

Most people send their children to The American School of Kinshasa ("TASOK") and it is considered a very good school overall. Other people send their children to the French School (Lyce Francais Rene Decartes). Our daughter has not yet started Kindergarten (though will start this year) so we have no particular experience with either school yet. Most people seem generally pleased with both schools. - Apr 2016

We have used TASOK (The American School in Kinshasa), Busy Bees (UK-run, English-language pre-school for ages 2-5), Little Jewels (Indian-run English language pre-school with a Montessori program) and Lycee Prince de Liege (Belgian-run French language pre-school through high school). Each has been quite good and we have had no serious complaints about any. I only have experience with the elementary grades at TASOK. The teachers are enthusiastic and focused on imagination and instilling a love of learning more than on strict academic rigor. However, my now-second grader has made leaps and bounds in the 3 Rs and loves school. - Jan 2014

The American School in Kinshasa (TASOK) is what you think an African school should be like. Beautiful campus, very happy and engaged students. The Jewels School is another English language school that is more rigorous than TASOK and has a Montessori program for younger kids. There are also French and Belgian schools. - Nov 2012

Our kids went to Jewels International School. We would strongly caution against it. Young boys and girls are sent to same bathroom unsupervised. Teachers teach kids religious hymns against parent approval. School randomly applies fees and changes charges depending on how much one kisses up to the owners. All in all, a poor experience. - May 2012

There is the American School, which people seem happy with. Also several other choices (a Belgian and French option too). We did not have school-age children at this post. - Feb 2012

TASOK (The American School of Kinshasa) is a good school. There are others, but I am not knowledgeable of those. - Nov 2011

Decent American School with lovely (but bit run down) campus. Lots of other options as well: Belgian (with schooling in Dutch and French), French school, English International school, etc - Aug 2011

There's a French School, a Belgian School, American School (Tasok), a predominantly Indian School (little jewels). Tasok is far from where most people live, so if something were to happen, as in 2007, the children could spend one or two nights out there. The other schools are closer to where folks live. My experience with Little Jewels has been very positive, and it does strike me as a more rigorous education than tasok. It has American, French, and Montessori progams. - Oct 2010

TASOK (The American School of Kinshasa). I've heard it's adequate, but not outstanding. - Jan 2009

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