Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

Is this a good city for single people? For couples? For families? Why or why not?

One single person married an Indian. Another was extremely unhappy and curtailed. Flexibility is key. The couples all seemed to do well. The families for the most part did well. Our family took a trip about once a month. If you plan far enough in advance, you can travel very inexpensively and see a ton. We flew all over the country and had a ball. - Jun 2024

I think it's probably hard for single women, since they're not very likely to want to strike up romances with local people (arranged marriages are still extremely common, and people don't just 'date'). Better for single men, as Indian women might be interested in a relationship. For couples who are self-sufficient, it's good. Families need to get together with each other or the families from their kids' preschools or schools, from what I can tell. - Apr 2024

Singles may have trouble if they don’t have some connection to India already. You’ll have to be proactive to meet people, that’s for certain. We were very much in a pandemic bubble for most of our time, but we still enjoyed our social life. - Jan 2023

We had a blast as a family. Swimming in our pool, walks at KBR Park and Lotus Pond, and especially local travel made this a hugely rewarding tour for us. - Dec 2020

This is a terrible post for singles - you will not find love (or even fun) in Hyderabad. Young couples seem to have a similarly hard time as there are not exactly many opportunities to socialize with others. Families with children seem to do best here, as I understand the school is not bad and there are gated neighborhoods where kids can play in Gachibowli. - Jul 2020

Singles: not really. Couples: it's okay, though not in terms of entertainment. Living here is easy enough. Families: the school usually receives high marks from students and parents. - Jul 2019

All. - Jan 2019

I'd say better for families. Most local singles end up in arranged marriages, so dating is limited. - Nov 2017

Life is Hyderabad is challenging in every way. This is a hardship post and for good reasons. There is nothing to do for entertainment besides going to brunches or malls on weekends. Quality of life is not that great, which is why getting out of the country is a must. I would say this city could be OK for families with babies, or empty-nesters and it is a good option for tandems. - Sep 2016

Yes, good for all types. Couples can explore. Single life is harder, but most of the couples and families are still welcoming and we travel/hang out more as a group than anything. A lot of whole Consulate get togethers, which are really nice. Families have easy childcare with good daycare and housekeeping help. I would not expect to date here. Most people in their 20s are already married. - Mar 2015

I'd say it's good for adventurous couples who like to explore. Singles tend to hang out with each other. No matter their religion, most Indians have arranged marriage, which means the dating scene can be quite limited. I don't know of anyone dating someone local. - Jan 2015

This is a good city for families, especially those with small children. You can hire an army of domestic staff to help with children and still save for their college funds. Couples who enjoy travel and don't mind a little hardship also do well, especially if both have incomes. However, if work is an important consdieration for your other half or he/she faints at the thought of being more than one mile from the nearest Starbucks then Hyderabad is probably not for you. Singles will probably find Hyderabad wanting on a number of levels. The expat community is small and tends to be families. Dating, especially for women, will be challenging. Nightlife locales and other cultural hubs where singles tend to mingle are scant. On the other hand, for younger folks this can be your opportunity to pay down any debt you have and get a good start on that retirement. And Bankok is only a few hours away for your, ahem...needs. - Nov 2014

Great for families -- childcare is cheap and high quality. Couples seem to enjoy the traveling. Singles have a harder time. Especially single women. Two have curtailed. There's not a lot to do here in the city, so you need to be able to make your own fun at home. - Jul 2014

Most of the families seem happy, but it can be pretty boring for singles or couples without kids. Indians tend to marry early and have kids immediately. Also, there are not many bars or cafes where you can meet people. - Mar 2012

There's plenty to do here for all types of people. Families with younger children may become tired of all the attention given to white babies here. People are constantly asking for photos of my daughter or trying to pinch her cheeks or shake her hand. - Feb 2012

Probably it's best for families, since you will have a large house and a community of people from school. Plus, most of the expat community is from high-tech companies and are families with kids. There is virtually no social network for single people or couples, since most Indians marry early and have kids early. Since most marriages are arranged, there is little, if any, dating scene, and most of the people you see at clubs are very rich, very young Indians rebelling and drinking heavily. Remember, there are NO other missions in Hyderabad besides the American Consulate. This place is not typical of other consulates or other expat communities. - Jan 2011

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