Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there any unusual problems with insects or other infestations in housing?

We lived in a high rise and never had issues with mosquitoes. Some of the villa complexes tended to be swarmed- and I mean swarmed- with mosquitoes. Fogging was not a regular occurrence. There was an outbreak of Dengue among the community while we were there. My preschooler got it and was hospitalized. We went on vacation and rats took up residence in our car. The maintenance team was responsive and the issue was solved quickly. - Jun 2024

Lots of mosquitos. There's no malaria in Hyderabad, fortunately (it's just about the only place without it), but there's plenty of dengue and chikungunya. We have electronic bug zappers in the house that we put on at night and sometimes use bug repellent on our sheets or ourselves before going to bed. - Apr 2024

There’s a dengue season and it’s real. We got lucky as the mosquitos didn’t seem to live in our part of town, but a number of people got very sick. Bug juice, mosquito nets and keeping your A/Cs on high. The high rise buildings didn’t have many issues either. A few isolated reports of rats and the odd cockroach, but nothing terrible. - Jan 2023

We had termites twice. Once it was in consulate furniture and we were lodged at a hotel during treatment. The second time the termites were in items we owned and we had to resolve the issue on our own. We never had cockroaches nor mosquitoes. Families in the suburbs had monkeys and snakes on occasion. - Dec 2020

Hyderabad is home to all three varieties of Dengue Fever (plus Chikungunya, Japanese Encephalitis, and many others), so it's important to be aware of mosquitoes - bring plenty of bug spray and keep your window screens tight. Dengue is common among both the local staff and officers. It's a bad time. - Jul 2020

We didn't have problems in our apartment, but mosquitos are certainly a problem. Dengue is a real disease that can affect you for weeks! So if you're prone to mosquito bites, you'll want to take precautions. Otherwise, ants and occasionally termites posed indoor problems, but both are treatable with poison or more organic methods. - Jul 2019

Mosquitos are your main concern, throughout India. Take precautions to avoid malaria, dengue, etc. We've had a few ants here and there but it wasn't anything more than you might get in the U.S. - Jan 2019

Mosquitoes are prevalent during the rainy season, so wear DEET mosquito repellant. During April-June, ants can be annoying, but GSO is responsive to requests to spray for them. - Nov 2017

Mosquitoes are a huge problem for most of the year and they carry Dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases. Prevention is key. I use repellent on all family members every day. - Sep 2016

Just lots of mosquitoes. Lots of them. I haven't used much repellent and been bitten a lot and have been lucky thus far. But come rainy season, you needs lots and lots of repellent wearing it and in the house. - Mar 2015

In certain housing areas mosquitoes can be a problem. I live in an apartment and don't use a mosquito net. One of the houses had so many cobras in the yard, they had to move to a different house. - Jan 2015

Tropical diseases such as dengue and chikungunya are major problems. We invested in a number of electric bug swatters and had a nightly ritual of ruthlessly hunting down mosquitos in our bedrooms. This is a tropical climate with tropical insects - expect there to be bugs. Although they aren't insects - reptiles can also be a problem. Specifically snakes. Hyderabad is in India and yes, there are cobras. Sometimes in your back yard. If snakes are a problem for you then you should strongly consider living somewhere that is not India. Or adopt a mongoose. - Nov 2014

Dengue is a serious issue. No malaria. Lots of biting red ants. Some apartments here are truly plagued with mosquitoes. But we have cobras! Several have been found at consulate houses. No joke. Houses come equipped with a snake pole and we were all given snake training about two years back. - Jul 2014

Dengue is a problem during the monsoon season, so it is important to use bug spray. - Mar 2012

Mosquitoes year-round. Ants and occasional cockroaches in the kitchen. - Feb 2012

Mosquitoes. Bring your own repellent. They only sell a mild local repellent there. - Jan 2011

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