Conakry - Post Report Question and Answers
What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?
It is easy to meet other expats. The morale is completely dependent on your group. Mostly poor morale, but some people love it here. - Sep 2022
There are quite a few non-American expats, though the physical location of our lodging in the farther reaches of Conakry, and perhaps the cultural proclivities of us Americans, prevent our fraternizing too much with them. Non-US expats seem to mildly enjoy life in Conakry, while US reactions range from loving it to constantly complaining about it. Morale seems to ebb and flow based on the personalities of the expat cohort that happens to be in Conakry at a given time. Maybe due to COVID, or maybe just by chance, US expat morale seemed pretty low in late 2020/early 2021, though this was somewhat offset by the fact that we enjoyed greater freedom of movement, in-person school, etc. while the rest of the world was still in the throes of COVID restrictions. I've heard people say that Conakry isn't bad per se, there's just “nothing”. I'd like to challenge this view a bit. Conakry has more than 2 million people, and Guinea about 14 million. So obviously there's not “nothing” here. There are millions of stories and passions and struggles. I guess it just depends on if you're interested in those lives, or not. If you look underneath the surface (which is admittedly pretty opaque and indecipherable to us outsiders, at least initially), there's a lot to discover! - Jun 2021
It's small. Morale is not great. It is hard to get people to come here. - Nov 2019
English speaking community is small, many find this a hard post though a few seem to thrive. - May 2016
Small but very friendly and welcoming. Morale depends largely on whom you choose to spend time with. - Dec 2014
There is a decent-sized expat community outside the embassy. - Sep 2009
Pretty small, few Americans outside the embassy and missionary community. - May 2009
Smallish, and spread out around the country. The business folks, mostly in the mining sectors, are centered around their various mines in the interior. Missionaries are all over the country in small clusters. NGO folks are also all over the country, but often come to Conakry where they are headquartered. The diplomatic community is small since most missions here have 5 or fewer employees. - Mar 2008