Bogota - Post Report Question and Answers

What are some interesting/fun things to do in the area? Can you recommend any “hidden gems"?

The Fruit Tour offered by Victor at Paloquemao Market is exceptionally unique. Outside the city but close we loved Naqua cabins and fincas. With young kids, La Granja Naranja and La Granja Tenjo were fun restaurants with animals. La Picaderia’s weekend brunch is fabulous (kid and dog friendly but also special with just adults). Those were our favorite “go-tos.” There’s also fun ring making classes with emeralds, coffee and chocolate tasting, flower arranging classes, and lots of other fun options (roughly whatever you can imagine). - May 2024

Go to the TusClases or SuperProfe websites to find amazing teachers and coaches for almost any activity. Get personalized driving classes, photography classes, art classes, fitness classes, dance classes, etc. The teachers are amazingly friendly and very warm people, and very passionate about their craft. - Aug 2023

Take advantage of the country side and air b&bs in La Vega, Anapoema, and Villa De Leyva. - Feb 2021

Medellin and Bucaramanga can offer cool escapes. People like going to the ocean. The country is a bit ungoverned in rural areas, though, which makes exploring more dicey than it should be. - Jul 2020

I don't know about hidden gems, per se, other than the museum in Nemocon. I enjoyed it more than the Salt Cathedral that every tourist goes to. My kids have been able to get out and see more than I have, thanks to their school camps. My son loved his trip to the amazon. - Sep 2018

We really love the hiking trails in the eastern hills. Unfortunately, they are often closed due to rain or repairs, but when they are open they are amazing. I recommend that you only go when the police are there (usually weekend mornings, but some trails are staffed every morning) because I understand there has been muggings and violence on the trails. - Aug 2018

Tejo (throwing lead balls at gunpowder targets), El Cielo restaurant, ciclovia (roads closed to cars on Sundays and holidays) - May 2018

Ciclovia, when the city blocks-off about 100 kilometers of road on Sundays and holidays for only bike and pedestrian traffic. - Aug 2015

Running and road biking are popular activities. There are many running races and a strong community of runners at the U.S. Embassy. There is also an okay music scene with many concerts coming to Bogota and Medellin. - Jun 2014

Botero Museum, Gold Museum, Salt Cathedral, Montseratte, Cyclovia, holiday celebrations, and many warm and comfortable places to visit down the mountain. - May 2013

Given the country's and the city's history, Bogota is just starting to develop an infrastructure for tourism. All sites can be seen in a weekend. But there are great restaurants and bars and opportunities to leave the city. Neusa, just north of the city, offers a great place to hang out and have a picnic on the banks of a lake. - Oct 2012

Where to start? There are all the cultural activities that you'd expect of a huge city (museums, churches, concerts, theater), plus there are amazing restaurants here. If you want outdoorsy activities, there's the "ciclovia" every Sunday and holiday where you can bike or walk/jog for miles on closed city streets, plus there are great hikes in the city. - Jul 2012

It's a beautiful and varied country, with lots to do and see if you are allowed to travel. Government employees have very limiting restrictions, so you'll have to live vicariously through those lucky enough to see what's at your doorstep, but inaccessible to you. - Apr 2012

Movies are released early here and are mostly in English with Spanish subtitles. It's a nice city to walk around in. - Dec 2011

So much to do! Parks, easy driving trips outside the city, museums, tours, shopping, great restaurants (really great restaurants!), galleries, ciclovia on sundays/holidays, fairs all over the city, flea markets, farmer's markets, and the old standbys: movies and malls. - Jul 2011

Not too much. Go to restaurants, there are some of them with playgrounds for the kids. But most of the time it is raining, so they can't use them. - Nov 2010

There are parks... lots of them.. but one gets tired of going to parks. There are a few museums. Because of the embassy security restrictions, life here is very limited. - Sep 2010

Although they are hard to get to, there are two good museums. Also some sporting events and a few hiking spots that are not too dangerous. - Aug 2010

Day trips to Zipaquira, Villa de Leyva, Guatavita. Weekends in Paipa and Anapoima. Take the cable car up to Monserrate for the best view of the city. Amusement parks/zoos for kids: Multiparque, Parque Jaime Duque, Panaca. - Aug 2010

Lots of fun restaurants, national parks, and outdoor activities -- such as rafting, canoeing, rappelling and hiking. There are also nice hot springs and spas not too far from Bogota. - Aug 2010

la catedral de la sal, Andres carne de res, botero's museum, lots of restaurants, and if you don't have to pay for preschool, you can travel to the beach or to Miami. - Jun 2010

Restaurants, movies, shopping, parks, ciclovia, getting out of town, gym, art classes, dancing - Jan 2010

Weekend trips to warm climates, museums, Usaquen, parks, cyclovia on Sundays. - Sep 2009

Andres Carne de Res in Chia, Multiparque and Diverscity for kids, the Gold and Botero Museums, ciclovia on Sundays and holidays. - Dec 2008

Lots of cafes and restaurants! - Dec 2008

Yes, what is it? Socializing at home, having big loud party all night long, restaurants, shopping malls, if you can drive out of Bogota or even better, fly out then you can do much more. - Nov 2008

Travel is somewhat limited, but Cartagena, Santa Marta are both good coastal cities; Salt Cathedral, Gold Museum in Bogota; lots of golf courses; major roadways closed for walking/jogging/biking on Sundays/holidays. - Nov 2008

Bogota has the most beautiful shops, tastiest restaurants and amazing history! I take tons of pictures and we do get out when it's sunny and go to places. There are many wonderful things to do with kids once you get someone to tell you about them :) Bogota loves children. As for singles/couples with no children, there are great clubs, malls, movies, anything and everything you may want to do, Bogota has it! - May 2008

Lots of museums, comedy shows, concerts, family fun events. Every Sunday and Holidays is Ciclovia, where they close down major streets for bike riding, jogging and walking. - Apr 2008

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