Bogota - Post Report Question and Answers

Are local sports classes and/or activities available for kids?

Yes. All varieties (gymnastics, soccer, horseback riding, theatre, karate, etc.). - May 2024

Yes, soccer, swimming lessons, etc. - Aug 2023

From horse back riding, to karate to swimming- Bogotá has everything but it might only be in Spanish. - Feb 2021

Yes. - Feb 2020

Yes, tons of activities including at school, at home, and out of school, including music, horseback riding, gymnastics, dance, arts and crafts. - Nov 2018

There are lots of opportunities, if you dig and ask around. The schools offer some sports, too. CGB works their extra curricular activities into the regular school day (some at a cost, some not, depending on what your kids signs up for). This keeps all kids on their same buses every day. They have all sorts of sports, wall-climbing, fencing, robotics, cooking, drama, to name a few. I know kids who take tennis, horseback riding, gymnastics, cooking classes and ballet outside of their schools. - Sep 2018

Soccer is widely available. An embassy family recently started a parent run baseball practice on Saturdays. The schools do have several after school sports to choose from. - Apr 2016

There is soccer. - Aug 2014

Many. Soccer is the most popular. Kids are always out riding bikes with their parents on Sunday mornings. - Jun 2014

Yes, mostly connected with the schools. - May 2013

Our son has two days per week of extracurricular sports at school, plus he takes tennis lessons and plays baseball on the weekends. There's no backyard to go out and throw the ball around, but there are definitely organized sports programs/classes available. - Jul 2012

Yes, but again, you will be dealing with a lot of class issues. - Apr 2012

No experience. - Dec 2011

Older kids don't have the organized competitive sports that you'd be used to in the States, but younger kids have every sporting opportunity available. Lots of folks join swim/tennis clubs, but even if you don't, there are lessons available and schools offer most sports. - Jul 2011

Lots, even for babies, but again very expensive. - Nov 2010

No. Colegia Nueva Granada says that it has sports programs, but they mostly do not exist. - Aug 2010

I think so, but I'm not sure. - Aug 2010

Not at the preschool. You have to pay an additional 200 USD per month per kid to go 2 times per week 1 hour to "la academia" kind of a gym for kids, because in the preschool they don't have any kind of sports programs. The older kids who go to CNG or Gran Bretania have sports programs there. - Jun 2010

Very many, and the schools are very good with this - all kinds, including horseback riding. - Jan 2010

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