Bogota - Post Report Question and Answers

Is this a good city for LGBT expatriates? Why or why not?

Bogota seems more progressive than most Latin American cities and countries but others can speak from a place of more experience. - May 2024

Yes. Same-sex marriage is legal, large PRIDE parade, and lots of gay bars. Social attitudes still sometimes lean conservative though and LGBTQ folks aren't socially accepted by everyone. - Aug 2023

I think my LGBT co workers have had a good tour in Bogotá and it relatively LGBT friendly in Colombia. - Feb 2021

There are several same sex couples here, both male and female. - Feb 2020

It appears to be. I have met same sex Colombian couples when I'm out and about and they openly refer to their boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife. I'll see same sex couples hand and hand out around town. I do know that same sex marriage is legal, so they have rights as couples, too. - Sep 2018

I think it is becoming more and more friendly for gay and lesbian expats. - Apr 2016

No. Colombian society is in no way accepting of people who are gay. - Aug 2014

There is a general acceptance of LGBT individuals but not a large open dating scene. Much like the U.S., the younger generation is very accepting but there is still discrimiation. This is a much better post than most conservative Latin American countries for LGBT. - Jun 2014

The ones we have seen in town appear unmolested. - May 2013

It is really good. While selection of places to go out is not that great, the city is very gay friendly and a lot of bars are mixed. - Oct 2012

I have not seen this firsthand, but my Spanish teacher told me when I first arrived that Colombians have prejudices against anything other than heterosexual relationships. I've not seen or heard anything to confirm or deny this claim, but Bogota definitely does not have the same "acceptance vibe" as Brazil, for instance. - Jul 2012

Very accepting of alternate lifestyles, although the acceptance may only be superficial as all other social skills are. - Apr 2012

Yes, especially when compared to other developing world cities. - Dec 2011

It seems like it is. I haven't heard that it isn't. - Jul 2011

Yes, as far as I have heard. - Sep 2010

Yes. People are tolerant. - Aug 2010

My brother is gay and loves it here - visits every chance he gets. There is a thriving gay club scene. - Aug 2010

It seems to be, but I don't know any details. - Aug 2010

I've heard It's OK, but not the best. It definitely is not San Francisco or Brazil. - Jun 2010

There is a large gay community. Not everyone is accepting of gay people, but many are. - Jan 2010

It appears to be fairly tolerant. - Dec 2008

No idea. I presume so, I know one gay couple who have a wonderful time here. I think it's accepted here. - May 2008

I think so. Many gays/lesbians seem to be happy here. - Apr 2008

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