Kyiv - Post Report Question and Answers

Are credit cards widely accepted and safe to use locally? Are ATMs common and do you recommend using them? Are they safe to use?

Yes to both. - May 2021

ATMs are common, especially downtown, and safe. I've used them a lot and never had any problems. All big stores and restaurants usually accept credit cards (but tips are cash only), cash is used at the local markets, "festivals" (kind of markets), and smaller shops. - Jun 2018

I've used credit cards at major retailers with no problem, although I generally use cash (and you have to at smaller places). Take caution with ATMs - those attached to major banks or in the Embassy are generally okay, but credit card cloning is an issue at smaller ones. - May 2017

Some expats refuse to use credit cards at all due to fears of fraud. We used ours frequently, in restaurants, supermarkets, and hotels, and never had a single problem. For ATMs, it is better to use one off the street, especially in a venue like an international hotel where the machines are well guarded. - Nov 2016

Some people at the Embassy are very paranoid and don't use ATMs or credit cards outside of the Embassy. The Regional Security Office (RSO) also makes this recommendation. However, we used our credit cards constantly at (relatively upscale) supermarkets and restaurants without incident. We used ATMs a few times - with that, card skimmers are an issue, so if we ran out of money on the weekend and couldn't get to the Embassy cashier or ATM, we tried to use one inside an international hotel since the lobbies are monitored (we lived right by the Hyatt). - Jul 2016

We use the ATM at the Embassy or cash checks there. Otherwise, we have used CC in lots of places with no problems. Auchan, restaurants, electronics stores. It's all fine, though we were initially concerned. We keep a close eye on things, but no fraud so far. - Nov 2015

My ATM card doesn't work here. Lots of people just use cash, and so do I. My husband's card works fine (Chase Bank, no explaination) in the grocery store, at most shops downtown, at most ATMs,and he's yet to be hacked. Most people are more paranoid than we are, but we've never had a problem. - Jun 2015

We are warned against using ATMs and credit cards. I did use my credit card at MegaMarket. - Apr 2014

You cannot use credit cards or ATMs here without extreme personal risk to it being stolen. This is a cash-only economy. Venders will accept credit cards, but this country has one of the highest incidences of fraud, so it is at your own risk. - Apr 2013

Don't use them unless it is an emergency. - Apr 2013

Only the machine at the embassy can be trusted. If you use an untrusted machine, change your PIN immediately afterward. - Feb 2013

Some people use credit cards on the local market with no problem, I was very leery of it. I only ever used ATMs at the Embassy or USAID. Cybercrime is rampant in Ukraine, exercise extreme caution. Also, it's still a cash economy in many ways. A lot of places won't take your credit card even if you do want to use it. - Jul 2012

Mostly a cash economy. I do use our credit card at well known businesses like the big grocery stores and some of the clothing stores. - Aug 2009

Don't! - Apr 2008

Don't use an ATM card. Use credit cards only at trustworthy establishments. This is a cash economy in general. - Apr 2008

I would avoid using credit cards and ATMs for the most part due to identify theft. At the nicer hotels and restaurants you would be fine though. I only use ATMs within the embassy buildings. - Feb 2008

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