Kyiv - Post Report Question and Answers
What English-language religious services are available locally?
I think there are religious services in English- I didn’t go to any so I cannot speak of how they are. - May 2021
Definitely Catholic mass; not sure about others. - May 2017
There are some, but I don't know from personal experience. - Nov 2015
All. - Jun 2015
The one English-language religious service we could not find is Orthodox Christian. Otherwise, you are covered if you are Mormon, Catholic or Protestant. - Apr 2014
There are several Christian churches, and there is also a pretty big Mormon presence. Personally, we attend the local Catholic church (St. Andrews) that has an English-language mass at 8:40 Sunday mornings. There is also a Spanish mass at another Catholic church at 11:00. - Apr 2013
There is one english language non-denominational church here. - Apr 2013
One good non-denominational Christian church. - Feb 2013
Yes. I'm sure there are Episcopal and Catholic services available in English; anything else I wouldn't swear to, but I'd be surprised if more weren't out there. - Jul 2012
Yes not sure which ones though. Catholic and Lutheran for sure. - Aug 2009
Yes . . . everything is here. - Apr 2008
Yes, there are Catholic, Church of Christ, Baptist (I think) and Mormon services in English and probably others. - Apr 2008