Kyiv - Post Report Question and Answers
Are local sports classes and/or activities available for kids?
Yes. - Jun 2018
Yes, great variety. We did soccer and baby music, others have found good swimming, ballet, gymnastics, lego, etc. Less if you want to stick to English. Ukrainians take this VERY seriously; usually the challenge is convincing them this is just for fun and not so that your kid is in the Olympics in the next 10 years. But then again, they definitely teach kids about winners and losers and the importance of hard work - everyone definitely does NOT get a trophy! - May 2017
As far as I know, only in school. Various sports for middle and high school students through school. Also, soccer on weekends for elementary and MS kids run by the school. - Nov 2015
All the normal after-school activies are available. - Jun 2015
There is soccer. - Apr 2013
In the schools there are soccer and basketball. - Apr 2013
School programs like soccer. If you're adventurous, there is a youth ice hockey league that is not advertised, but it's superb and a great value. - Feb 2013
Not sure, but I think at least the basics (soccer, swimming). Not sports, but I know some kids took music lessons from amazing teachers. - Jul 2012
With the schools... yes. Otherwise I don't know. There is a gym class for toddlers. - Aug 2009