Kyiv - Post Report Question and Answers
Is this a good city for LGBT expatriates? Why or why not?
It's getting better, although there is still a lot of fear and discrimination among Ukrainians. - May 2017
I have many LGBT friends who love it, but objectively it is not great. Pride parades get attacked every year, hate crimes have been reported, and a movie theater that was hosting films on LGBT issues got burned down. However, many urban, young Ukrainians are very open-minded. Gay clubs do exist though I don't have firsthand experience with how good they are. - Nov 2016
While I have LGBT friends who love the city, keep in mind that there are regular instances of violence against the LGBT community, sadly. So many people feel they have to be publicly closeted to feel safe. - Jul 2016
Probably not. There are efforts underway to change this, but it is a pretty homophobic society. - Nov 2015
Sadly, the LGBT pride parade had to be held in an undisclosed location this year. However, there is a feeling that "gay-bashing" = "Putin" so the culture feels like they are making a gear-grinding shift to a more Western vibe in terms of LGBT acceptance. Young people are young people and seem accepting of everything. It isn't San Francisco but it's certainly not Moscow. - Jun 2015
No. - Apr 2014
It can be a problem. - Apr 2013
There has been recent isolated violence against local gays by skinhead-like groups. Some Ukrainian law-makers want to outlaw "pro-homosexual propaganda". - Feb 2013
I wouldn't say gay pride is a thing in Kyiv yet, but at the same time, I knew some gay expats who got along just fine (better than single straight women, in most cases). - Jul 2012
I don't know. - Apr 2008
Unsure, I tend to doubt it. - Apr 2008
I haven't noticed much of a community, but I'm sure it exists. I would guess the same skinheads who target minorities might also harass gays if given the chance. - Feb 2008