Kyiv - Post Report Question and Answers

What kind of car do you recommend bringing to post, given the terrain, availability of parts, burglary/carjacking risks, etc.? What kind of car do you advise not to bring?

Something with high clearance such as an SUV. - May 2021

A car that would survive the potholes on the roads, lots and lots of potholes. - Jun 2018

People go a little crazy bringing SUVs here; I don't think you really need one, although you DO need snow tires or four-wheel drive. There are a lot of really nice cars in Kyiv, so don't worry about bringing something "too nice" - it's not. Parts are generally available. There is an occasional smashed window if you leave something in the car, although most buildings have guarded and underground parking. - May 2017

We did not have a car and were completely fine without it, given that public transportation and taxis were so easy to use and affordable. If you want to spend time at a dacha or something else outside of town but not in another city (in which case train is easier), then it could be really useful. You really can have any type of car, though some people prefer something with higher clearance given poor roads and large potholes. Snow tires are key for winter. - Nov 2016

We did not have a car at post and never regretted the decision. Taxis were so cheap that we basically calculated that we still saved money taking taxis everywhere we felt like going. And it was easy and reliable to call cabs. If you do have a car, winter tires are a must. - Jul 2016

All-wheel drive is invaluable in the winter. We were able to get out of a sticky situation where we would have been hit by a sliding car on a hill by driving up onto the sidewalk in a snowstorm (and we just have regular, all-weather tires). Service is okay and available for most types of cars, but one family we know had their car catch on fire because they used a part made for a European model of their car instead of one for the American model (we're not talking an American car, though). - Nov 2015

We have an indestructable Toyota Land Cruiser; sometimes it's hard to find a parking spot, but otherwise it's fine. Any car would be fine here--sedan or SUV. - Jun 2015

The roads are rough and you will feel safer in a 4-wheel drive. - Apr 2014

There are lots of parts for German and post-Soviet vehicles. I would suggest rugged terrain vehicles, SUVs not sedans, due to the horrible road conditions in the city and even worse conditions outside of the city. Also, snow tires or chains are a must, due to the long, harsh winters (Nov-April). - Apr 2013

100% 4x4. You will get stuck without it. - Apr 2013

Bring a 4X4 with high clearance and good tires. The roads are appalling and will reduce the life of your car prematurely. Driving is a stressful exercise because you're simultaneously dodging other cars, pedistrians dressed in black at night, stray dogs, and kitchen sink-sized potholes. If you see a tree branch sticking out of the road, it was likely put there by a good samaritan as a warning for drivers to steer around a hole deep enough to break your car. - Feb 2013

I got around just fine without a car, but if you want to bring one, I think a compact or maybe small SUV (if you want to drive out to the Carpathians, etc) would be best. Definitely don't bring anything huge. This is not the place for your Escalade or Hummer. You might want to ship some parts. - Jul 2012

We have a small SUV and has served us well. You often have to drive up on the sidewalks to park. - Aug 2009

Learn how to drive stick and jump into a Lada! - Apr 2008

Most major car brands have services here, most of any car will do. Winters can be rough and streets are not really plowed so a car good in the snow is always a plus. - Apr 2008

There isn't really a need for a 4X4 but it might be helpful in the winter time as the streets can get clogged with snow. A smaller car would be more maneuverable on the narrow Kyiv streets and easier to park, but you'll be dwarfed by the giant SUVs the oligarchs/legitimate businessmen/government officials (all the same thing really). Cars are very much a status symbol here and people will spend everything they have to buy a nice one. If you see a large black SUV or Bentley or Lamborghini or Masserati coming, don't cross the street even if they have a red light because chances are they aren't stopping (traffic laws don't apply to them.) - Feb 2008

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