Kyiv - Post Report Question and Answers
Is high-speed home Internet access available? How long does it typically take to install it after arrival?
Yes!! It was installed in 2 or 3 days after arrival. - May 2021
High-speed home Internet access is available, cheap, and takes a couple of days to install. - Jun 2018
Yes, it's pretty good - we stream and Skype with generally no problem. The commissary can help you get it up within days of arrival. You can also buy a local SIM card and get cheap data on mobile devices. - May 2017
Yes, it is available and affordable. We got ours installed quite quickly, within a couple days. The Embassy employees' association (AEEA) can help set up installation (though their service seemed a bit overpriced at $40). - Nov 2016
Yes, high-speed, high-quality, quick installation, not expensive. - Jul 2016
Yes; great and cheap. The wireless router they provide isn't so great, though. Lots of dropped signal problems. You might want to buy your own. - Nov 2015
Fast and cheap, maybe US$15 a month for DSL. This was the first post we ever got to that the internet was up and running in the house when we got here! What a treat! - Jun 2015
Yes it is and it is cheap. About US$25-30 per month. It is mainly DSL and you can lose bandwidth when you are in a crowded apartment building, especially after 6pm. - Apr 2013
This varies depending on the building you're in. Mine is horrible. My neighbor's is blazing. - Feb 2013
Yes. See above for pricing. I found my cable/internet company in Ukraine a million times better to deal with than Comcast, and speed was excellent. Maybe 3 outages over 18 months, never more than a day or so. That said, your access to internet is entirely dependent on where you live. If your building is wired for a private cable company (i.e., Volia), you're good to go. If it's not... good luck dealing with TeleSystems UA or whoever. - Jul 2012
$30 buck for high speed. - Aug 2009
Yes, getting cheaper by the day. Maybe US$50 a month. - Apr 2008
Yes but it depends on where you live. It's becoming more widely available but I think we pay about US$30 a month and have all the internet we need. - Apr 2008
It is available. Each building seems to have one provider that covers it so you probably won't have much choice for high speed. We may about US$60/month for 512k, but others pay half that price for the same speed. Ours is pretty reliable. - Feb 2008