Pristina - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there any particular mental health issues that tend to crop up at post, such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (winter blues)?
Not that I have seen. Even in the winter we still get a lot of sun, even if it's cold. - Jul 2019
Winter can be long, lasting from October to May. Sometimes it is very foggy, and air quality is very bad. Try to leave Pristina as often as you can in the winter. - Nov 2016
Winter blues, claustrophobia. There may be times when the area goes dark because of clouds or fog that settles over the city for long periods. During the winter of 2015-16 this was the case. Fog settled over Pristina, and you could only see 10 feet in front of you (barely), making it difficult to walk or drive at all. - Jun 2016