Pristina - Post Report Question and Answers
How much of the local language do you need for daily living? Are local language classes/tutors available and affordable?
I studied Albanian, but since nearly everyone I meet speaks English, I have barely used it. Occasionally I'll come across a taxi driver who doesn't speak English, but that is rare. Most people in the government speak English also, so very little Albanian is needed for many of the jobs at the embassy. - Aug 2021
It's helpful to learn the language, the US Embassy offers Albanian classes. Most people here speak English or German as a second language, so if you don't want to learn the language (or don't have time to learn) you can still get by. - Jul 2019
You don't need it actually. Many people speak English or German. Classes and tutors are available. - Nov 2016
Language classes are offered by the Embassy. English is spoken in venues that are frequented by expatriates. - Jun 2016
Very little. Learn the necessities, but most young people speak (or understand) English. Someone will always help translate if needed. - May 2016
Realistically very little within Pristina. More helpful outside the city. - Aug 2015
Not much, but you should definitely learn Albanian niceties. It goes a long way. Most everyone under 40 speaks passable English. German is widely spoken as well. - Jun 2014
I don't know any and I get along well. - Apr 2014
You could get around without Albanian, but it definitely helps for comfort level. I suggest at least knowing the phrases in the back of the Lonely Planet guide. They will love you even more! I suggest starting with the Pimsleur CD set for Albanian. Borrow it from your local library. - Apr 2013
Some courtesies are always appreciated, but many people get by on English. - Sep 2012