Pristina - Post Report Question and Answers

What types of jobs do most expatriate spouses/partners have? Locally based or telecommuting? Full-time or part-time? Can you comment on local salary scales?

Most people that I know that want a job have found something, either at our Embassy or at other missions. Quite a few spouses telecommute. - Jul 2019

Most stay at home. It may be possible to find a job at an international organization or as a teacher, but opportunities are limited. - Nov 2016

Unless you arrive with a job, it will be hard to find one. The jobless rate here is 60% plus. If you are able to telecommute, that is a viable plan. For the most part, the internet can accommodate telecommuting. If you are with the Embassy, you are asked even before arriving: "Are you planning to work?"Jobs with the Embassy are few and far between. If working is a prime concern for you, and you have a meaningful well paying job with upward advancement possibilities, think long and hard about giving it up for two years. - Jun 2016

Not really - you might find something, but pay is going to be very low. - May 2016

Probably not. - Aug 2015

No, not unless you want to receive local wages (think 200 - 600 Euros/month). - Jun 2014

With multinationals. - Apr 2013

Definitely. - Sep 2012

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