Pristina - Post Report Question and Answers
Is high-speed home Internet access available? How long does it typically take to install it after arrival?
High speed internet IS available and you can ask your social sponsor to have it installed before you arrive. - Aug 2021
Yes, quick and easy to install. - Jul 2019
Yes. Though sometimes it is slow. It took me a few days to install. - Nov 2016
Yes. If you are with Embassy, they can assist you in getting it installed with 24 hours. Coverage may vary depending on where you live. In newly developed areas, service may be sketchy, as they are still working out the "bugs". If you are living in an older/developed place, coverage should be reliable. - Jun 2016
Yes, fast, cheap and reliable. It is around US$175 for a year. We stream everything (Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime) through VPN and have few problems. This can vary by housing location, some families have problems with stable internet, mostly due to specific provider and/or infrastructure issues. - May 2016
Yes. Sometimes faster than in the U.S. Not cheap (US$100+/mo) but worth it. - Aug 2015
Yes and it's quite good. If you go to IPKO yourself, you can get set up for about 120 Euros/year. - Jun 2014
Yes. I can't remember the cost exactly, but it was not a deal-breaker. - Apr 2013
Yes, you can get wired or wi-fi at home for a reasonable price. Service is pretty good. - Sep 2012