Pristina - Post Report Question and Answers
What is your home city/country? How long is the trip to post from there, with what connections? How easy/difficult is it to travel to this city/country?
If you have to "Fly America," the typical route is with United/Austrian via Vienna. Frankly, I find it a more exhausting flight than longer ones we've had. - Aug 2021
Colorado, USA. Most people that fly from the States connect through Frankfurt, Munich, or Vienna. There are also quite a few flights through Istanbul if you don't have to fly a US Carrier. - Jul 2019
Austria. Flight connection is very good, Austrian Airlines operates daily flights. Bus connections take about 12 hours and are inexpensive. It's also possible to go home by own car; time depends on traffic and on waiting time at the borders, around 10 hours. If you go by road, better have an ID-Card, additionally to your passport; otherwise on the Serbian border, they will send you back, and you have to travel to Serbia via Macedonia, which will cost you additional time. - Nov 2016
Williamsburg, VA. - Jun 2016
DC is home. Connections are usually Frankfurt, Munich or Vienna. Total time is approx 15 hours. - May 2016
DC -- one hop, usually through Vienna or Frankfurt. - Aug 2015
Washington, DC. Connections to PRN are generally via Frankfurt, Munich, Vienna, or Istanbul. DC to Munich is approximately 9 hours and Munich to PRN is about 2.5 hours. - Jun 2014
Home base is Washington, DC. The trip here can be made in two flights, from IAD to Vienna or Frankfurt or any one of a number of options--sometimes it's actually less expensive and a shorter overall duration to have two European layovers. The final leg is on a small plane. The total flight time is ten hours, give or take, not including layovers. - Apr 2014
Washington, DC to Pristina was 9 hours flying time with short layover in Vienna, Austria. - Apr 2013
Overnight flights from U.S. east coast to Vienna, then 90 minutes to Pristina. - Sep 2012