Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there problems with ethnic, race/racial minorities or religious prejudices? Gender equality?

Not that I've heard. - Jun 2024

Yes, people will absolutely stare if you are ethnic-presenting, and if you have children that are African-American, biracial or anything other than European presenting, then be prepared to fend off people constantly trying to pet them or touch their hair. - Oct 2022

No. - Oct 2021

I have not seen racial problems. More so ethnic/religious problems with refugees. - Mar 2020

Absolutely. There are many problems. We just had a white national go on a shooting spree in Frankfurt. - Mar 2020

There is some unease directed at refugees throughout Europe. Germany admitted more than most other countries, but in Germany, Frankfurt is at least as welcoming as any other community. - Feb 2020

Can't quite say no problems but I can say as minimal as you're likely to find anywhere. - Sep 2019

Again, the refugees are experiencing some prejudice and I think they are mostly Muslim. Gender equality is not an issue. - Apr 2019

No. - Jan 2017

Frankfurt is a very international and multicultural city, however Germans have a different sense of what it means to be German than most Americans would have about what it means to be American. The recent refugee crisis has also caused some tensions against foreigners or those who look foreign. - Aug 2016

Not that I have heard - Feb 2016

I haven't heard of any. - Dec 2015

No. - Jun 2014

Not that I can see. I am Asian and I haven't experienced any. - Mar 2014

I have not experienced any problems but I have heard of others who have experienced racial prejudices. - Nov 2013

None. - Apr 2012

No. I was not sure about being Jewish in Germany, but there is a vibrant community here. - Mar 2012

Nothing overt. - Oct 2011

The only problems I noticed were prejudices aginst Turks. Germans blame them for taking their jobs, similar to Mexicans in the U.S. - Jul 2008

Not that I know of. - Feb 2008

No overt prejudices that I've seen. - Jan 2008

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