Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the availability and cost of household help, and what types of help are typically employed by expatriates?

Probably too expensive, and the apartments are so small why get help? - Jun 2024

We have a helper clean 1x week for 3 hours for 50 euro. This is less than the going rate in the consulate housing area but comparable with what a German family would pay for help. I don't think most families have help. - Aug 2023

We didn't employ any help. However, the cost for those that do is expensive. - Oct 2022

We didn't hire anyone, but I've been told it's expensive. - Feb 2022

Most people didn't seem to use a housecleaner, however we didn't have much trouble finding someone to come once a week for about $12/hr. - Oct 2021

Very expensive. Some people had weekly or biweekly cleaners; very, very few had nannies. - Sep 2020

There really are very limited options here, and very expensive. We had a "cleaning" lady come for four hours a week at 70 euros a pop, and she didn't clean at all. It's very difficult to find anyone. - Mar 2020

I hired a member of the char force at the Consulate to clean every other week. He charged me 15E an hour plus supplies and did a great job. - Feb 2020

Few people have domestic help. It's expensive and complex in Europe. - Sep 2019

We hired someone through word of mouth at the consulate to clean four hours each week for 60E. I would say most folks rely on day care rather than sitters/nannies and relatively few hire cleaners, etc. - Apr 2019

We had a cleaning person come in 4 hours per week for 50 euro per week. It was worth it. - Sep 2017

Almost impossible. Either they will charge you an arm and a leg (350 euros for one cleaning of your apartment) or are so flaky they rarely show up. We did find a cleaning lady for 40 euros per visit, but she flaked out at least half the time. Hiring an American on compound for babysitting/pet-sitting is a better bet but options are limited. - Jan 2017

No clue. I'd imagine it's not cheap. - Aug 2016

Expensive I have heard. - Feb 2016

Expensive - Dec 2015

Available but expensive. A lot of Croatian women work as domestics for approximately 12 Euro per hour. - Mar 2014

Domestic help available but very expensive. - Nov 2013

Yes, not too bad, but not cheap either. - Apr 2012

Expensive. - Mar 2012

Forget about it. - Oct 2011

Expensive. The dollar isn't doing too well aginst the euro. - Jul 2008

Domestic help is available but it's expensive - 10/12 Euros/hour. - Feb 2008

We haven't had any help but many people do. It's probably about the same as the D.C. area. - Jan 2008

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