Accra - Post Report Question and Answers

How much of the local language do you need for daily living? Are local language classes/tutors available and affordable?

None. English speaking but locals quickly switch to Twi or another language amongst themselves. - Aug 2024

Ghanaians speak English. Most will also either speak Twi or Gaa. I believe Twi is the one more widely spoken. - Sep 2023

English is the official language. Learning some greetings and phrases in Twi will get a lot of laughs and appreciation from locals. The local Alliance Francaise offers Twi classes. - Nov 2022

English is standard. There's a slight accent, but not that different. - Sep 2022

None, although it's hard to understand Ghanaians' English when you first arrive, as in my opinion, their accents are very strong. - Mar 2022

Not much although to call Ghana and English speaking country is a bit of a half-truth. Quite a bit of pidgin and thick accents are tricky. - Nov 2019

It's very, very much appreciated if you can manage greetings in Twi, but it isn't necessary. There are some classes available but I don't know much about them. Local staff and domestic workers are often very happy to teach people basic phrases. - May 2019

None, although it is nice to try and learn a bit of Twi or Gaa. - Apr 2018

English is widely spoken, but it can be hard to understand at times because of their accent. Locals speak Twi, Ewe, Fanti, and Ga. You don't need to know those languages for your survival, but it can really help make a good impression if you can say a few words. - Aug 2017

English is the official language, but Ghanaians love it if you even say one word of Twi to them. - Apr 2017

You will be OK with just English. - Aug 2016

Almost everyone speaks English. - May 2014

Everyone speaks some English, most people under 50 are “fluent.” Most Ghanaians speak to each other in Twi, Ewe, or Ga. - Apr 2012

None - Aug 2011

English is the official language. - Jun 2011

Zip. Nada. - Feb 2010

None - Feb 2010

None. - May 2009

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