Accra - Post Report Question and Answers

Was this post your first expatriate experience? If not, what other cities have you lived in as an expat?

20 years in various places, ranging from low to high income countries in Asia, Europe and places in between. - Aug 2024

Been around for a long time. This is tour number seven. Several Asia, S. America, and second tour in Western Africa. - Sep 2023

No. I previously lived in Latin America, Europe, and a little bit of time in a different West African country. - Nov 2022

No, a few other embassy assignments. - Sep 2022

No, we've lived in three other foreign countries with the U.S. Embassy. - Mar 2022

No, we have also lived in Ethiopia and Jordan prior to arriving in Accra. - Nov 2019

Not our first. I've lived in the Czech Republic, my husband has lived in Kenya, Germany, Peru, and Venezuela, and together we've lived in Mexico and now Ghana. - May 2019

No, we've previously served in East Africa. - Apr 2018

No. I've also lived in Japan and Germany. - Aug 2017

No, I have lived in three other African countries. - Apr 2017

No. I have previously lived in Latin America. - Aug 2016

3rd expat experience. - May 2014

First. - Apr 2012

No. I've been posted to Port au Prince, Tegucigalpa and Kingston - Aug 2011

Accra is my first expat experience. - Jun 2011

Sixth time living abroad. Second time in West Africa. - Feb 2010

No, three other African countries - Feb 2010

No, Dhaka, New Delhi, London - May 2009

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