Hermosillo - Post Report Question and Answers

Is this a good city for single people? For couples? For families? Why or why not?

For single people: it depends. There are singles at post and it's a tight community. Some people date locals. However, Hermosillo is not an urban party town. For couples: yes, there are plenty of great places for date night. Hermosillo has a good restaurant scene. For families: yes. In my opinion Hermosillo is best for families. There are so many activities for kids here. It's a comfortable suburban lifestyle. - Sep 2024

It has been a really great place for my young family. The kids have made tons of friends. I think singles and childless couples do fine here but it can get a bit boring. There isn't much to go out and do here besides going out to eat. - Jun 2023

Families with elementary school or younger kids: great choice Families with middle school or above: depends on your family Single people: below average, especially if you want nightlife Couples: good to great choice - Sep 2022

It's a great post for couples and families. For singles, it can be a bit more challenging since the consulate community is really small and mainly full of families or couples with no kids. However, your time here is what you make of it. If you want to have a good time you can, you might just have to work a little harder as a single. Surprisingly there are a good number of activities at Post. There are groups that go hiking, play basketball, and soccer. - Sep 2022

Families seem to like it here. Single people often feel isolated and the dating scene is extremely limited, as one needs to be constantly mindful of the affiliations of who one is dating. Lots of churches with services in Spanish to attend, though. - Aug 2022

I think it's best for families with small kids. There isn't a lot to do here, and that's generally okay for families with with kids. Even with kids, we tend to get bored, as there's not a lot more to do than visit the beach (1:15 by car), go to lunch/dinner (about 10 restaurants), and go the movies. There's a nice country club that a lot of folks use, and people seem quite happy with this as it's a nice slice of green in Hermosillo. - Aug 2015

In my opinion it is a great city for families with small children. It is a bit boring, but with small kids you get a lot of family time, and there is enough to do. I think the families with older kids have a harder time. As for singles- it is what you make it. I've seen some singles thrive here with lots of local friends, enjoying the nightlife, etc. Others have used Hermosillo as the jumping-off point to visit other areas in Mexico, as there are some cheap flights on Volaris. Others still have found it very stifling here. Again, the accessibility of Tucson (3.5-4 hours) helps everyone. - Apr 2013

It depends on what you like to do. In terms of nightlife, arts, culture, the selection is moderate but emerging. After a couple of months, you will want to travel somewhere. Airfare from Hermosillo is generally quite expensive (2-3 times what you would pay for equivalent distances in the U.S.), so singles will find it easier to take off for a weekend than those with families. Since Hermosillo is relatively isolated from other Mexican cities, driving anywhere other than Tucson is normally not practical. - Dec 2009

This is a great town for families. Most private schools have after-school sports programs (though not nearly on par with sports programs at U.S. schools). There are many small parks. People are friendly and children in school should have little trouble making friends. The private schools ask for a significant level of parental involvement which tends to help out-of-town parents make new friendships. Many opportunities for outdoor activities are available nearby, including hiking, ecotourism, horseback riding, etc. And, of course, the beach is only an hour's drive away. It's a good town for singles and couples who are willing to socialize with local residents. Entertainment opportunities exist but are not what they are in larger cities. - Feb 2008

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