Bandar Seri Begawan - Post Report Question and Answers

How would you describe the availability and cost of groceries and household supplies relative to your home country?

Groceries options are good, although some items can be relatively more expensive than in the U.S., as these goods are imported from Australia. But, overall, groceries are not a problem. - Feb 2025

Cost of the average basket of groceries is about the same as DC. All meat is about twice the cost of DC though, as are American products. It is difficult to find most American products and there is not a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Meat availability can fluctuate as well, as it is mostly imported. You will need to go to several stores to get everything you need. - Jan 2021

Relatively expensive because everything is imported. - Aug 2014

Groceries are actually quite expensive especially if you are buying imported items. Fresh milk is about US$8 for half a gallon. Beef and pork is really expensive. It can be hard to get sea food and the quality of meet really isn't very good. There are a few specialty stores that sell German, Turkish, Australian, and Japanese ingredients. - Nov 2013

Cheaper than the U.K. Most things are available. - Dec 2008

Groceries are cheap! Local produce is CHEAP and good. Some western items (pasta sauce, etc) is a little more than US prices, but hey it's available (mostly Australian brands). Cleaning supplies are plentiful and cheap. BND $2.90 for a mop or broom. - Jan 2008

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