Bandar Seri Begawan - Post Report Question and Answers
What kinds of gyms or other sports/workout facilities are available? Are they expensive?
No gym at the embassy, which is a shortcoming, in my opinion. Small gym at one housing complex and plenty of options around town, from the dirt cheap to the pricey. - Feb 2025
There are gyms - there are a few fancier gyms with classes, there are a lot of small, rusty gyms, there are several cross-fit gyms, and there is the Empire Hotel, which you can join and gain access to their gym and pool. JPMC also has a very nice, modern gym. Pricing for all of these gyms is about the same as DC, but the opening hours are usually not a good for for folks with a full-time job and family, and parking around everything in BSB is a nightmare, so that takes extra time. - Jan 2021
Yes, they are available but I don't know much about them. - Aug 2014
There's one chain and a few dance/spinning/arobics/yoga studios. - Nov 2013