Bandar Seri Begawan - Post Report Question and Answers

How do you send and receive your letters and package mail? Are local postal facilities adequate?

Pouch, which is slow. Great for training one's patience. - Feb 2025

Postal facilities are not adequate. The Embassy has a DPO but it takes weeks to get mail through it. FedEx and UPS exist but they are expensive. - Jan 2021

I received some through the local mail service, which was reliable if you have a post office box. Mail delivery to home addresses is unreliable. All packages will be opened and inspected at the post office so you pay taxes and do not import things that are against the law via the mail. - Aug 2014

I send it through DPO/Pouch or FedEx but have used the local post office before. DPO/Pouch takes 1-2 months. They're once a week each. FedEx is much more reliable and fast, but very expensive. UPS also has an office in BSB but I haven't used it. The local mail is super slow and very, very unreliable. - Nov 2013

Local post office. - Dec 2008

Access to both pouch AND APO twice a week from Singapore. - Jan 2008

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