Bandar Seri Begawan - Post Report Question and Answers

What is your home city/country? How long is the trip to post from there, with what connections? How easy/difficult is it to travel to this city/country?

Bay Area. Good connections through Singapore or Tokyo. It's a long flight, but not complicated. - Feb 2025

USA. Connecting to the west coast goes through Tokyo, KL, or Singapore, and takes a full day. From the East coast the best routes are either through London with a direct flight on RBA from Heathrow to Brunei, or via Singapore, which has a direct flight to JFK. These routes also take a full day. - Jan 2021

The United States. It takes about 2 days with connections in Singapore (overnight) and a connection usually in Tokyo. - Aug 2014

Home base is Washington, DC. It takes 2-3 days to reach post and about 2 days to return back to the U.S., usually via the U.S. West coast, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur or Bangkok. Overnight at one of the connections, especially Singapore or Kuala Lumpur, is practically mandatory due to lack of connecting flights. - Nov 2013

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