Bandar Seri Begawan - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there personal security concerns to be aware of at this post? Please describe.
Not really, it's pretty safe. - Feb 2025
There are car break-ins but that is about it. Violent crime is rarely heard of. - Jan 2021
Petty crime and crimes of opportunity, but generally quite safe. - Aug 2014
There isn't a lot of high level crime, but petty crime is fairly common. Thieves will break your car window to get things left out such as bags and electronics. If you're a woman, there can be quite a lot of harassment (whistling, calling out, honking, stalking, inappropriate suggestions and sometimes even being propositioned) particularly when you're alone on foot. There are also roaming packs of stray/feral dogs that have attacked or chased people aggressively. - Nov 2013
None. Excellent. - Dec 2008
None really - It's really quite safe and boring here. - Jan 2008