Tijuana - Post Report Question and Answers

How much of the local language do you need for daily living? Are local language classes/tutors available and affordable?

There is a weekly tutor available at post but the workload is so heavy that you must frequently cancel. Local tutors and language schools are plentiful. Spanish is a must. - Oct 2024

It helps to make an effort. You'll often find somebody who can speak English, but one should not expect it. Due to the number of gringos that come to Baja California daily (more than 200,000+ US citizens are in Baja California on any given day), people do not expect non-Mexican/Hispanic people to speak Spanish, but appreciate it when you do. Many people speak English extremely well, many people don’t at all, and many others understand but do not really speak it. One can survive without Spanish, but it makes life nicer if one has some grasp on basic elements useful in daily conversation. - Apr 2023

Very little. Obviously you should try, but being on the border many people speak some English. There aren't that many Spanish classes, most language programs offer English. - Nov 2017

lots of people speak some English. - May 2015

Just the basics, most people speak some degree of English. - Mar 2015

Spanish is helpful, more so than I thought. - Apr 2014

It helps of course, but most educated people and younger kids speak English. - Feb 2014

In the touristy parts, you can get by with English, but having some basic Spanish is key to being able to interact with most of the locals in Tijuana, and parts of San Ysidro and Chula Vista too! - Apr 2011

You can get by with English, everyone seems to speak it. However, the locals will like you a lot more, and your time will be more enjoyable, if you attempt to at least learn a little Spanglish. - Mar 2011

30-50%. Most everyone speaks English here and in fact, you will find even native Spanish speakers seem to lose some of their skill because you hardly get to use the Spanish. - Dec 2010

You can live with none, but a month or two of classes will really help. - Aug 2010

Even though most Mexicans have varying degress English, it's appreciated when you make the effort to speak in Spanish. - Mar 2008

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