Tijuana - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there personal security concerns to be aware of at this post? Please describe.

Yes. Our neighborhoods are walkable and feel safe during daytime hours and early evening. There is a drug war happening and sometimes our neighbors are involved so we might have shots fired near our housing. While we not targeted, it is possible that when our neighbors or others are targeted we might be hurt collaterally. No USDHs have been killed or physically injured to my knowledge, but this is a violent place and it is possible to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Avoid casinos, strip clubs, late night outings, and specific neighborhoods. - Oct 2024

Of course, this city does have one of the highest, if not the highest homicide rate in the world; theft and other crimes of opportunity are also rampant, having said that it is still easy to get lulled into a false sense of security. In August 2022 there was a “narco uprising” due to the arrest of a high profile narco. Narcos burned cars and blocked roads, but no Consulate employees (neither local nor USDHs) were victims of any car burnings. We were, however, on lockdown for 24 hours over the weekend. This was probably the most dramatic event that happened while I was there, but it was definitely a lovely reminder about how things can escalate quickly. The amount of bodies and body parts that are found on a weekly basis all around the city is staggering (within yards of the Consulate as well), fortunately this violence rarely bleeds into our daily lives, but the possibility exists. However, in the end, there is little one can do except to live one’s best life and remain vigilant about what is going on in one’s surroundings. Ultimately, the chance of getting caught up in the most violent of the city’s crime is probably less than likely if one isn’t directly involved with nefarious actors. I'm not aware of anybody in the consulate community falling victim to any violent crime in Tijuana during my two years, and most of the time (for better or for worse) I never feared for my safety during my tour year tour. - Apr 2023

At the moment, not more than any other city. Murders are the highest they've ever been in 2017, but it is generally focused among gang members. - Nov 2017

We never really felt really unsafe. We didn't expose ourselves either. Keep your head on a swivel in public places, look like you know where you're going, avoid certain parts of town after dark or always. We didn't run or bike in the streets during our time there, but as we were leaving we noticed more and more people doing so. - May 2015

Narco violence but Americans are not targeted. Generally homicides happen in the impoverished neighborhoods and are gang and drug related. There are infrequent assassinations and assassination attempts within the vicinity of consulate housing. - Mar 2015

Crime is concern - it can overshadow your sense of enjoyment in the city. If you exercise street smarts and common sense, you will be okay. We live in a nice neighborhood but with traffic speeding by and people always out and about, I do not feel comfortable walking by myself for exercise. I don't feel that safe here. - Apr 2014

Cartel violence is focused and not as indiscriminate as portrayed in the lame-stream media. Street level crime concerns me the most. Lots of muggings, car jackings, express kidnappings, property damage, etc. There are nicer neighborhoods like Agua Caliente and Chapultepec where you can walk and feel mostly safe. - Feb 2014

Yes, while getting randomly shot by narcos isn't that much of a problem, street crime is common. I try to confine my driving to specific areas of the city, in the more affluent parts. I rarely walk in the street anywhere that takes more than 10 minutes to get to. - Apr 2011

Tijuana is a high-crime city. If you stay away from the bad neighborhoods and pay attention to your surroundings you will probably be fine. Most of the crime is criminal on criminal, but carjackings and robberies are common enough. - Mar 2011

Yes. All border posts were recently classified as danger posts which provides for danger pay and the coveted SLRP which is great to get those loans paid off. It is no worse than any other very crowded high crime city. RSO does a good job to prepare you and you must know what's going on around you and be smart. - Dec 2010

Yes, this place is completely unpredictable. I have not seen a single problem ,but 99% of the crime goes unpunished. So it is just luck that criminals are only shooting each other. - Aug 2010

Most Americans not involved in illicit activities aren't going to be affected by the more violent crimes, like murders and kidnapping. More likely is local police looking to shake down foreigners for bribes after minor traffic accidents. - Mar 2008

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