Moscow - Post Report Question and Answers
What English-language religious services are available locally?
There are Catholic and Protestant churches with English-language services. - Jan 2025
There are some that I have heard of (Catholic and Protestant) but I don't have any more information. - Dec 2023
There are religious services available for different faiths. I would think this comes down to a persons comfort level in seeking out and attending. - Mar 2019
On compound has a small Catholic service. I know the CLO knows of more but must admit I'm not sure what other English-language services are available, though suspect they are minimal. - Nov 2018
There are three Catholic (English) masses available. There is also a French church in Moscow. There is also a non-denominational church and services for the Mormon community. - Oct 2017
Catholic service at the embassy. Mormon and non-denominational close to the embassy. - Sep 2016
A few. Catholic, a couple of non-denominational churches and an Latter Day Saints (Mormon) church that I know of. - May 2016
The compound had a regular Catholic mass each week and there were a few Catholic churches in town and there is a Protestant church as well. I'm not sure of any other faiths except Greek Orthodox. - Oct 2014
There is a Catholic church that meets at the Embassy as well as a couple of others such as Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy that attracts many English-speaking expats from places other than the U.S. There is information in the CLO welcome materials about religious services. - Nov 2013
Yes. LDS, Catholic, and Protestant. Not sure about synagogues. - Jul 2013
Yes, not sure what denominations, but definitely Catholic and Jewish. - Jan 2013
I don't really know. We go to the Jewish Community Center events occasionally, but they're in Russian. There's a Reform congregation that has their services in English, but we haven't gone. - May 2011
Yes - Jan 2011
Yes, for the major ones. - Jul 2010
Yes. I didn't go to church, but you could find almost any denomination there. The Mormon church is huge in Moscow as well. - May 2010
There is a German Catholic church, and probably others. - Feb 2010
We aren't church-goers. Sorry. Can't tell you. - Nov 2009
Plenty of Orthodox. Yes, everything. - Oct 2009
Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy has a nice service Sunday afternoons. There are also Anglican and other Protestant services. - Aug 2009
There are English-language services available in almost all religions. - Aug 2009
Yes. Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, and some others, I believe. I attended the Protestant services and was very happy with the church. - Sep 2008
Catholic, Protestant, Church of Latter Day Saints, and probably more that I'm not aware of. - Aug 2008