Moscow - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

The overall expat community in Moscow shrunk dramatically several years ago in response to the war in Ukraine and international sanctions on Russia. It is quite small and primarily diplomatic. Some people really enjoy living in Moscow (a large, vibrant, international city). Others are more impacted the long winters, the stress of world events, and the limited/ expensive travel options. - Jan 2025

The expat community is a lot smaller than a few years ago. Morale varies, though it is mostly poor. - Dec 2023

We were with the embassy community, which was wonderful. I imagine one of the strongest across the world. - Mar 2019

Expat community is relatively large and form what I know (limited) morale is generally good. People like it here. - Nov 2018

HUGE. I think morale is good. The CLO does a great job with plenty of activities. There is a good support structure at the embassy. - Sep 2016

Large but shrinking each year. Morale is mixed. It is what you make of it. Some people really enjoy Moscow and others are counting down the days until the end of their tour. - May 2016

Quite large, with over a hundred embassies plus many journalists and tens of thousands of foreign businessmen and students, but it's not a very cohesive community, since this is a huge city. Morale tends to be good, albeit less so in winter. Major exception: those who moved to Russia with strong prejudices against the country aren't usually in a good mood! - Sep 2015

Very large community and morale is moderate. Like any post, it is what you make of it. I would recommend living off-compound because it is too easy to stay on compound your entire tour - everything is offered there. - Jun 2015

I think the expat community was pretty substantial among all of the different missions in Moscow, but the morale at least at the Embassy ebbed and flowed. There definitely were different groups which stuck together and given the weather (it was dark early in the evening from October-April), you could definitely feel a little depressed. I kind of wished that we had taken more trips while were there just to get away. - Oct 2014

The expat community is huge and morale really varies - some love it and do multiple tours here but I think more dislike it and are counting the days until their departure. - Nov 2013

Pretty large - there are large diplomatic, student, and professional communities from around the world, though you have to seek them out. - Jul 2013

Very large. Lots of other embassies and foreign businesses are here. - Jul 2013

Very large. - Jan 2013

Pretty big. Lots of business people. - Mar 2012

Pretty large. There are lots of Embassies and US companies here. - May 2011

Huge. - Jan 2011

Tremendous. - Jul 2010

HUGE! - May 2010

HUGE. Besides the embassy, there are many American expats doing business here. - May 2010

Large, although segregated. - Feb 2010

Large, but strangely scattered. We notice that expats don't mix together here as well in other cities like New Delhi - probably because there are so many entertainment options in the city. - Jan 2010

Huge. - Nov 2009

Thousands. - Oct 2009

Huge. The embassy must have at least 1000 people, including all spouses and Members of household. Lots of business people, too. - Aug 2009

Fairly large. There are many expat organizations, though I didn't run into many foreigners on the street. There are many things to get involved in, though. - Aug 2009

Very large. - Jul 2009

Large, but very concentrated in the center. I lived on the outskirts of the city and hardly ever ran into Americans there. - Sep 2008

Large. - Aug 2008

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