Moscow - Post Report Question and Answers
Are local sports classes and/or activities available for kids?
The Embassy has a few sports classes for adults and children. A few sports are available through the schools. Most (all?) sports classes on the local economy are taught in Russian. - Jan 2025
There are lots of sports through the school and the ability to do other sport related things too. - Dec 2023
Yes. - Nov 2018
Plenty - Sep 2016
Yes. There are lots of sports available through the school, the expatriate community and the embassy. - May 2016
Yes; tennis, water polo, swim lessons, soccer. - Jun 2015
I think the school had after-school activities and they had karate classes in the gym at the Embassy. - Oct 2014
Plenty of options through the Anglo-American school. - Feb 2014
I think so, at the Anglo-American School. - Jul 2013
AAS offers great after-school activities. Others have signed up for soccer and baseball on expat teams for kids. - Jan 2013
There are after school sporting programs and some that are done at the embassy. Since those vary, check with the association for the latest info. - Mar 2012
AAS has sports, the Embassy has some, and I know a few people who have enrolled their kids in programs in the city. - May 2011
Yes, both through the school and via sports clubs for youth. - Jan 2011
Ummm..., sure? - Jul 2010
Yes - thru the school. - May 2010
I know horseback riding and ballet is, but I do not have children, so there may be more. - Feb 2010
Yes, but mostly indoor sports such as volleyball. If the kids speak Russian, they could join hockey or soccer leagues in the city, or take tennis lessons. - Jan 2010
Yes. Lots. - Nov 2009
After school. - Oct 2009
Soccer is the strongest program. They also have baseball and basketball. - Jul 2009