Moscow - Post Report Question and Answers

Is high-speed home Internet access available? How long does it typically take to install it after arrival?

Internet is available through the Embassy. Bring a router. - Jan 2025

We get internet through the Embassy. Internet is decently fast and affordable if you get it on your own. - Dec 2023

Internet works well, was fast enough for us to do whatever we wanted. We didn't have any sort of outage issues. We used Yota, which was a small portable wifi device we used to home; purchased at the mall and paid for six months at a time. Ended up going this route bc getting it set up through a company was a huge pain. This worked well for us and I know many others who went this route. - Mar 2019

Yes. The worst case is typically two-three weeks to get Internet access. Speeds are generally good. - Nov 2018

. - Oct 2017

You can have it installed once you get your dip credentials. But it is slow. You can get a 4G modem and it is faster but reliability will depend upon signal. It is cheap as well. Not more than US$50 monthly. - Sep 2016

Yes. The cost varies based on location and speed. Reliability is sketchy. - May 2016

Yes - it depends on the company but anywhere from US$8-50 a month. - Jun 2015

High-speed internet access is available for all of the housing areas, but it depends on where you live as to what you purchase. Since we lived on the compound, we were able to purchase it through the employee association for around US$30/month. If you lived off compound, you needed to sign-up with an internet provider such as Yota. - Oct 2014

Around US$100 a month. - Feb 2014

Yes, we use a Yota modem for internet which looks like a thumb drive. It costs about US$30/month although it's not always fast enough to stream movies/TV. - Nov 2013

Beeline, about US$40 per month. Fast enough for streaming. - Jul 2013

Yes and no. Apparently the internet on the embassy compound is pretty good, and my friends who live at Pokrovsky have been able to contract with MTS to provide internet service which is fast. Those of us in the city apartments have more limited options as the apartments themselves are owned by the Russian government and normal internet providers cannot service them. Beeline wired service is available but speeds are capped at 2.5MB. We, and most of the people we know in city apartments, use Yota, which a 4G wireless connection through either a USB modem or modem+router combination. The speeds vary greatly dpeneding on demand, and the connection is quite volatile. We can only stream through a VPN about half of the time. Streaming on the local internet connection is ok if you can find something that will stream in Russia. - Jul 2013

Yes, for about US$30 a month. Usually pretty good. We stream a lot of videos. There are also free wifi hotspots throughout the city. - Jan 2013

Yes, but it varies. For the NEC, 2-5 MB (depends on what ISC has it set to that day) runs $35 per month. - Mar 2012

I have MTS, it's about $36 a month, and is fast enough to stream, if you can find something that will stream to Russia. - May 2011

Yes - Jan 2011

Yes. Internet access is readily available but more expensive than in the U.S. - Jul 2010

Cost is about $40 per month. - May 2010

Depends on your building. I had dial-up at first, but a tenant in our building fought to have high-speed internet and won. The only deal was the 'dish' had to be in his apartment window. - May 2010

Yes. its cheaper than the US , and I can pay my bill at the payment kiosk at the grocery store closest to my house. - Feb 2010

Yes, but pricey - like everything else in this town - are you beginning to see a trend?about $60/month for the connection (that's without any other bundles services) - Jan 2010

Yes. I don't know what it costs though. It's not very high speed, I have to say. Some days it's utterly sluggish. - Nov 2009

At the NEC around $60 a month. It's great--when it works. Otherwise pirate off a neighbor! - Oct 2009

We get internet for $60 a month. - Aug 2009

It's available. We paid about $60 a month for our Internet and it was pretty reliable and fast. - Aug 2009

$40 per month. - Jul 2009

Yes. I paid about US$35/month for mine, but this was a deal for students. - Sep 2008

Yes, we use a company called Corbina that costs US$40/month at the Embassy. Service does go down with some frequency. - Aug 2008

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