Doha - Post Report Question and Answers

Is this a good city for single people? For couples? For families? Why or why not?

Families have a great life here; it's very focused on kids. There seems to be a night club culture for singles but I don’t know much about it - Oct 2024

I think this is a good city for everyone especially families. This is a very family oriented country. I don't know how hard it would be to date here. - Jun 2024

I am married so cannot speak to singles except that unless you can get into sports, religion, or education, one might think it would be difficult for singles. It is so hot most of the year that many families stay inside and so singles may not have the outreach that they would at another location. For couples, it is wonderful in that you have enough to keep you busy for a couple of years but if you see and do it all in a year, you can easily take flights to Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Dubai, etc. and continue to the adventure. For families, it is also a stable, predictable, place to be. There are things to see and do and Qatar is moving forward to become a family destination. They always have events going on for kids. It is safe and likes to do everything top notch. - Oct 2023

Good for those with kids since the Qatari society is built around the family. Singles are fine I think and make their own fun (Friday brunches, etc) but I think singles and those without kids tend to get bored. - Jul 2022

I think families have more support here. - Apr 2021

If you're a single western man, you'll probably do just fine, granted that you're into Southeast Asian women. I've heard that single Western women can do alright, but again you're probably looking at dating a lot of non-Westerners.

We are married without kids and found Doha to be extremely boring about 95% of the time, as there is a shocking lack of things to do in a city of this size.

Families have it best, as Doha is geared to those with kids. Almost every event in town is catered to families with little ones. Even then, I'm told many families spend their weekends like the rest of us: in front of the TV wishing there was more to do. - May 2017

If you are single and want to mingle... you will find plenty of opportunities. Tinder is huge here, but, as with any dating scene, you have to kiss a lot of frogs.

For couples, it's fine. Again, not a ton to do, but at least you have an evening Netflix buddy.

For families, this post is great. There are tons of families here, so their opportunities to socialize around kid-based activities are plentiful. - May 2017

maybe families. no public display of affection. unmarried couples risk arrest if caught alone. - May 2015

Families seem to like it, since the school is very good and the country in general is pretty family-oriented. Couples and singles often don't have much to do. There's a decent amount of cultural and athletic activities going on, but it's very difficult to go out anywhere in Doha. The city is hugely spread out, traffic is horrendous, and parking is always a problem, so even just going out on a simple expedition will take hours and often it's just not worth the effort for most people. - Feb 2015

EXCELLENT for families. I might be bored as a single person or someone without kids. - Apr 2012

No for all. Singles will have to go to a mall to kill time. Couples will have to interact with others from their own countries. Families, the men work, women watch TV all day. - Mar 2012

Families with kids seem to do the best here. Some single people do fine, but others are unhappy. You have to be able to entertain yourself. - Mar 2012

This place is the Mac Daddy for families! I think singles and couples may find it a bit boring. If you like to entertain in a spacious home and you like having your kids running in and out of the house with a gaggle of neighborhood friends, this is the place to be. If you want a bustling metropolitan cultural mecca, you may want to pass on this post. - Jan 2012

More so for families than for couples and singles. There is a party scene but it is a bit shady from what i've heard. - Jun 2011

Families do very well. I have also heard that there is a decent single scene if you are into clubs and restaurants. I think couples have a harder time. - Oct 2010

Probably best for families. Although everyone seems to find their niche and do fine. - Dec 2009

Yes, depends on if you are male or female, gay or straight, and yes. Look, there isn't that much to do here, so if you are self contained you'll be fine. If you are dating you might find it a little bleak. As with everything, its what you make of it. - Sep 2008

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