Doha - Post Report Question and Answers

What have been the highlights of your time in this country? Best trips or experiences?

Safety, compound life, great school, great food delivery: it’s a polluted, gilded cage. - Oct 2024

We love the school, the compound, the ease of getting around, ease of getting things, restaurants and we can't wait to travel. We love how everything is basically 15-20 minutes away unless you go to the beach. The airport is all of 25 minutes away. - Jun 2024

The highlights of living in Qatar for us has been the safety, beautiful colors of the landscape nestled within the desert environment, the eye pleasing architecture everywhere you look in Doha, and the ability to get away when we need to. We have enjoyed the variety of museums, camel racing, dune bashing, mosque tours, Dow boat rides, and yet love to grab Dunkin' Donuts and/or eat at PF Chang’s. Azerbaijan beach is great and allows one to wear a bikini and hang out for the day. - Oct 2023

Travel was easy but pricey. Many people did a quick trip to the Maldives. - Jul 2022

Honestly, the highlights have been all of the vacations we've taken outside of Qatar. It's a great location to travel. You can get a lot of great places within six hours or so.

Locally within Qatar, the vacation we've most enjoyed is a long weekend to Banana Island. It's just lovely.

It's also worth noting that most everyone get island fever. Because Qatar is the size of Rhode Island and is attached only to Saudi Arabia (which you don't just get to visit on the spur of the moment), people here get cooped up and must get out at least once every couple of months. - May 2017

Qatar is home to Qatar Airways (duh), which has been the biggest perk of all. I travel like crazy, on average once every month, and have visited about 20 countries during my two years here--and only one of those required a layover. - May 2017

every flight out - May 2015

Iftars, dhow trips, picnics in the desert, seeing the Serra statues. - Feb 2015

Don't come here expecting Big City life. Doha is a sleepy suburban-like place where you can find great friends, make your own fun, and watch your children thrive. Don't come here for nightlife, museums, or a cafe culture. - Apr 2012

None, marking time is great! - Mar 2012

Our house and the compound - which has plenty of open space. I've enjoyed the work a lot and the fact that you rarely feel cold. I enjoyed travelling to Sri Lanka and other places in the Middle East. I like eating out a lot. I also like the interesting blend of expat cultures here. - Mar 2012

Seeing how happy my daughters are living a "Wonder Years" existence-- running around the neighborhood with friends, riding bikes, swimming, exploring on their own. My eight-year-old can't wait to go outside on the weekends to play with friends. The TV is almost never on. Kid life is GOOD! - Jan 2012

Seeing the country grow and develop, and seeing the leadership's goals of making Qatar a knowledge economy take shape. The energy on the streets was spectacular when Qatar won the World Cup 2022 bid - Jun 2011

Leaving Qatar. - Oct 2010

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