Bangkok - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there any particular health concerns? What is the quality of available medical care? What medical conditions typically require medical evacuation?
Pollution can be pretty bad. - Mar 2025
Aside from mosquito born illness, the other thing that is pretty common (I'd say more so), is GI issues from food/water. We don't drink tap water, though we now brush our teeth with it and are fine. We've all gotten sick at least once with food poisoning-like illness. It sucks, but it passes. Medical care, should you need it, is excellent. Our 3 year old has needed stitches twice since moving here, and we've been blown away by the quality of the hospital systems. No wait, phenomenal care, and, SO affordable compared to an ER visit in the US. - Feb 2025
Dengue is a concern, and contracting hepatitis b is common. local medical care is generally excellent and inexpensive. - Feb 2023
Yes. There is no real ambulance service. You need to get the ER? Realistically you are on your own. There are a few 'big' hospitals that people swear by (like Bumrumgrad), which are massive and look very nice, but I've found the quality of care to be very mixed. Sometimes is great, sometimes its not. Outside of Bangkok, expect developing world type hospitals. - Jan 2023
Thailand has top-notch medical care at a fraction of the cost that it is in the United States. In fact, Bangkok (together with Singapore) is the USG medevac hub for many regional posts, and the medical unit accordingly has multiple doctors and nurses and is well-equipped. Many expecting mothers choose to deliver here in Bangkok instead of returning to the U.S., and you can have a variety of complex medical and dental procedures and surgeries done here by U.S.-trained and English-speaking medical professionals. About the only reason you might need a medevac is if you need long-term or highly novel therapies (new cancer treatments, etc.) back in the United States. - May 2022
Pollution levels reach dangerous levels at certain times of the year. Quality medical care is easy to find. - Aug 2019
No particular health concerns, although air quality decreased over the last year. A lot of kids ended up with bronchial issues as a result. Hospitals are great here. This is an medical evacuation location. - Jun 2018
Local medical care is excellent and world-class. Several hospitals have entire services for international travelers and expats. Zika is a worry, but prevalence is low. Dengue is more of a threat. Motor vehicle accidents the worst health concern, Thailand is second in the world, behind Libya, in terms of motor vehicle fatalities, especially of those riding motorbikes without a helmet. - Apr 2017
Air quality can be an issue, but nothing like China or India. Medical care is excellent and widely available. - Nov 2016
Medical care is superb. There is a huge medical tourism trade here. International hospitals look like five star hotels, and the medical care is often of equal or better caliber than you find in the United States. - Aug 2015
Thai hospitals are for the most part very good. Thailand is a medical tourism destination after all, and Thai hospitals cater to these types of tourists. With that said, medical care isn't necessarily cheap. If you are associated with the U.S. Embassy and need medical assistance, they will pay for your hospitalization, and get reimbursed from your insurance provider later. If you don't have medical insurance, and want to go to a good hospital then you will have to pay out of pocket which can be expensive. I suggest purchasing medical insurance that will cover you during your time in Thailand, so as to ensure that you have access to the best medical care in the country. - Aug 2014
Excellent medical options here. And affordable. Concerns include dengue. - May 2014
Great hospitals. - Oct 2013
Health care is efficient and inexpensive, but you usually have to pay up front for services. - Jul 2013
Not really. Very good and cheap. - Jun 2013
Medical care is amazing. The hospitals are luxurious. - Oct 2011
Private healthcare through BUPA is reasonable. - Aug 2011
Medical care is amazing at a fraction of the cost of the US. Very efficient systems with many western-trained docs. - Jul 2011
People rave about medical care here and, in particular, Bumrungrad. I'm sure it's better than most posts and folks won't normally won't say it but I will: I am not one of the fans. We had a horrible, serious experience at Bumrungrad and I know folks who have had heart-breaking deaths and other serious complications here that probably shouldn't have happened. It's lost its credibility with me and others. Be vigilant, insist on gloves and whatever else to prevent infection, and do not be seduced by the sparkling facilities, plasma tvs, pretty nurses, and room service. Just saying. If I had a major health issue arise in our family, we'd be on the first plane to Singapore. Dental care and orthodontics generally good and much cheaper than U.S. - Feb 2011
Great medical care is available--American- and UK-trained doctors and dentists in many cases. Most street food is pretty safe. They say the best advice is to eat it hot out of the pan, but we ate fruit from street vendors, too and never got sick. - May 2010
medical care is good; no prescription for most medicines.pharmacists will prescribe and sell to you--simple, simple, simple! and inexpensive - Jan 2010
The U.S. could really learn a lot by looking at the healthcare system here. The hospitals, as well as doctors, are all state-of-the-art, and at a fraction of the cost back in the States. How good is the health care? Well, for one thing, no one gets medevac'd. Whether you require surgery, need chemotherapy, or need to give birth, all of the expats opt to do everything here. You'll never live anywhere else, where the healthcare is this outstanding! - Jul 2009
Bumrungrad is one of the best in Asia, or the world. Samitivaj chains is also outstanding. Cheap also. - Apr 2009
The hospitals here are terrific. Bumringrad is certified by the U.S. Most of the doctors are very competent to excellent. So far not one bad experience. Just be aware that while they will take excellent care of you for a bargain price, these hospitals are a business, and I have had my issues with wrangling between them and the insurance companies. - Feb 2009