Bangkok - Post Report Question and Answers
How do you send and receive your letters and package mail? Are local postal facilities adequate?
DPO is quick and easy. - Mar 2025
I've not needed to use the local postal facilities, as we can use DPO. I've received a few packages to our apartment delivered by Lazada, which is like a Thai Amazon. It was easy and efficient. - Feb 2025
DPO and Pouch. Not sure I would use the local postal facilities, but I don't have firsthand experience. - Feb 2023
DPO, shipping time vary greatly and new family learn not to count on any sort of reliability of shipping times. I've had things arrive in 10 days. Other things, for unknown reasons, have taken 9+ weeks. - Jan 2023
We mostly use Embassy DPO and pouch, which (because Bangkok is a regional hub) is quite fast from the United States. Packages usually take 1-2 weeks to arrive, and I've even received some mail in fewer than seven days. Thailand has well-developed package delivery infrastructure and you have multiple local providers (including Kerry Express, the one we've used) available. Think UPS or FedEx but cheaper. Oh, and UPS, FedEx, and DHL are of course available (for a price) if you need to get something really quick across the globe. I've never directly used the local Thai post but it seems relatively reliable (I get regular mailings from my grocery store rewards program, for example). - May 2022
DPO and pouch. - Aug 2019
APO. The mailroom can assist you in arranging pick up by FedEx or DHL. - Jun 2018
APO at the Embassy. Thai Poste within country is reliable and reasonably priced. - Apr 2017
APO. Amazon usually arrives in 7-10 business days. - Nov 2016
APO - Aug 2015
U.S. Embassy personnel use the APO and/or diplomatic pouch. - Aug 2014
APO. - May 2014
APO is reliable, and very quick. Christmas orders came in with 10 days. - Jul 2013
APO - Jun 2013
Thai Post is okay. - Jul 2012
Embassy mail - Oct 2011
Sent to my condo. - Aug 2011
APO - Jul 2011
USPS, baby. It's wonderful. Right at the embassy. - Feb 2011
We had APO access, so I didn't need to use the Thai system. - May 2010
I usually use the APO but don't send for ANYTHING that you want to receive faster than 7 days. It always seems to take the longest to receive anything here. - Apr 2010
same as if in america.mailboxes and post office are everywhere - Jan 2010
We're blessed in that we have an APO address, and can order pretty much anything. The shipping time from the States to here is right at two weeks. As for many of the corporate folks that we know, other than letter mail (letters, cards or bills), they do not have mail privileges and often have to rely on the local postal system. Also, DHS and UPS are available here, but be prepared to pay a hefty amount. Additionally, if you're using the local postal system, you're also subject to local import taxes. - Jul 2009
Regular mail has worked great. - Apr 2009
Mail service here is acceptable. When sending anything from the states by any means (DHL, FEDEX, UPS, USPS) mark "returned/used goods", take off all labels and declare a nominal insurance value. Otherwise you will pay a ridiculously high tarrif on your packages. - Feb 2009