Bangkok - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there personal security concerns to be aware of at this post? Please describe.

None. There is petty crime like everywhere. - Mar 2025

Generally we feel very safe and secure in Bangkok. - Feb 2025

Normal big city stuff, but nothing really dangerous. - Feb 2023

As far as crime, I've never been worried, and feel very safe. I'm sure there is petty crime, like any large city. - Jan 2023

Bangkok (and Thailand as a whole) is safer than any American city I know of, whether petty or major violent crime. Take the usual precautions against pickpockets or other threats that you might in any other major city. - May 2022

No, nothing beyond petty theft. - Aug 2019

Walking...the sidewalks are bad in some places so you could twist your ankle if you're not careful. Also, motorbike drivers sometimes drive on the sidewalks (which is illegal). - Jun 2018

Purse snatching by motorbike drivers is common, but Thailand is generally very safe. - Apr 2017

Traffic safety and petty theft are typically the biggest concerns. Theft by those on motorbikes is no joke--it has happened somewhat frequently to USG personnel. Traffic rules appear to be taken more as suggestions. - Nov 2016

Virtually none. This is about the safest place you could ever imagine living with a family. I put my kids in taxis at night and don't think twice. I haven't locked my door in four years and don't even know where the keys are. - Aug 2015

For a large, developing city Bangkok is very safe. There is the occasional violent crime that one may read about in a local newspaper, but in general most of the crime is opportunistic, and more of a nuisance than a threat. Scams, of course, are prevalent, but once one lives in the city, one learns what areas of the city scams are common in and what the usual scams are. - Aug 2014

Generally, no. We've lived here during the recent political protests and blockades. The stress of expecting violence took its toll but the actual violence was very minimal and specific to the protests. We easily learned to "walk around it" (literally, at times). Day-to-day safety is very comfortable and in fact, one can feel a bit over-confident in the safety situation. As an expat and because of where we live, we are limited to typical street crime. I am comfortable to go out alone or in small groups, take taxis, and use the public skytrain systerm. However, our Thai helper expresses concern related to 1) not wearing gold or flashy jewelry at night; 2) never taking a taxi at night alone; and 3) walking with friends. - May 2014

Motorcycle purse snatching is the main one, but I think it's also important to be very cautious about taxis at night--the drivers tend to be quite normal during the day, but are more likely to be drunk or on drugs at night. - Oct 2013

Frequent protests occur downtown. While they are usually peaceful, they can get large, and in past years there have been several eruptions of violence so awareness is important. Pickpockets and motorcyle thieves are also a frequent occurrence-bags have to be slung across the chest or you are an easy target. The main areas of Bangkok are pretty safe, however, there are many issues such as drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc. - Jul 2013

I hear that there is some purse-snatching on the streets, but I have never known anyone who has been a victim. - Jun 2013

It is a very safe city. - Jul 2012

There have been some purse-snatching and pick-pocketing incidents. Otherwise, Thailand is extremely safe, and I feel safer here than in DC. - Oct 2011

Far safer than anywhere in the West, as long as you don't act like a total moron to the locals. - Aug 2011

Very safe with few pickpockets in tourist areas and occasional bag snatching. Violent crime is very rare. - Jul 2011

Tough question and it's all relative, right? Americans are, generally speaking, liked here, though I wouldn't call it the open-arms embrace I was expecting and there are some Thai who openly dislike me on principle, it seems. The Land of Smiles isn't the beginning and end of Thai people - it's far more complicated. We have had (and know of others also) some frightening brushes w/ the odd local, including taxi drivers and security guards. Obviously, the civil unrest continues to brew beneath the surface and nobody really knows what is on the horizon. (Don't believe it if someone tells you they do know - that's rubbish.) During the actual violence that erupted last Spring, we mostly felt safe but also a bit on edge for a sustained period. Folks downtown had it so much worse (lullabies and gunshots for a stretch there) but even out at Nichada there was an unsettled sense of the unknown. It disrupted normal daily life for a long time. Ultimately, constant security-related texts, school closings, the odd bombing (even out here), and escalating tensions really made things unpleasant. Some may thumb their noses at it having lived in "worse" situations elsewhere but it was unsettling for most folks I know. A few took the evacuation offered. We stayed put. - Feb 2011

Normally, no. There is some purse snatching like any big city, but I've walked up Sukhumvit late at night and never felt threatened. Currently in May 2010 the country may be on the verge of civil war. So, all bets are off. We did not leave because of the violence, but we are relieved to not be there. - May 2010

No. But as with any other place if you are female I would not go anywhere at night alone. - Apr 2010

very safe, even walking the streets at midnight - Jan 2010

We live out in the burbs - in Nichada Thani, a gated community of roughly 3,000 people, and there aren't any security concerns here at all. That said, I have heard rumblings of folks being pick-pocketed downtown. We don't know of anyone who has been the victim of any sort of crime here. - Jul 2009

Wonderfully safe. Perhaps the safest city and best overall quality of living of anywhere in the word. - Apr 2009

Very few. This is probably one of the safest capitals in the world. It's safer than D.C. by far or even New York. I can think of few U.S. cities where I would feel safer. That being said, there is non-confrontational crime here. Be very careful how you use your credit card. Pay cash if possible, especially away from major chains (Marriot, Starbucks, etc.). We have had one card number stolen and it was a huge pain in the tail to get the money back. - Feb 2009

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