Bangkok - Post Report Question and Answers
What do you wish you had known about this particular city/country before moving there?
It will be hotter than you expect. - Mar 2025
We didn't expect the (lack of) sidewalk situation. With young kids who frequently used strollers, we've had to adjust. I wouldn't say it's a deal-breaker at all, but, it was unexpected. - Feb 2025
Live downtown, Bangkok is too much fun to be hiding away from it up in Nichada:) - Feb 2023
The schools. Do your research. Speak to parents who hold the same values you do, and make as informed a decision as you can. - Jan 2023
How quickly three years would pass, and how much we would love it. I would have been more strategic about traveling more, doing, more, and probably hiring more household help so my wife and I could get away from the kids more to have more "grown-up" fun. - May 2022
Nothing I can think of. I did my research. - Jun 2018
How debilitating the traffic and the heat would be, how overpopulated and "modern" Bangkok would be at the expense of tradition and heritage. - Apr 2017
How much the relentless heat can have an effect on you. The crazy number of people in central Bangkok. The traffic is probably the worst I've ever experienced in any major, developed city. That the whole notion of the "smiley Thai" is a misnomer at best. IMO they are no more/less nice or helpful than anyone else I've ever met in East/Southeast Asia. - Nov 2016
To not expect things to happen in a New York minute. Thailand runs at its own pace. Things that should happen in a day often take five, and nobody seems to get upset about it. People move slowly, and nobody gets angry. Ever! Never ever show your anger - Thais consider it a sign of weakness. So when things don't go your way, you simply have to relax and bear it. - Aug 2015
I had been there many times before so I knew what to expect. - Aug 2014
It would take a while to adjust. Longer than I had expected. And keep things close. Really close. Even the difference of a few kilometers can mean a 5 minute versus 50 minute commute at times. And try to relax. - May 2014
I wish I had known that living in the "nanny belt" means that playgrounds, playgroups, play areas, and anywhere else you might take a young child during the day are full of little Western children and their Thai nannies. It's been really hard to meet other mothers here. - Oct 2013