Geneva - Post Report Question and Answers
Is this a good city for single people? For couples? For families? Why or why not?
Probably good for anyone. It's not big, actually too small for me (a la Frankfurt), so I think the highlight for singles would be going to other cities on the weekends. - Dec 2024
For everyone. - Jun 2022
Geneva is great for families. More women then men. - Jul 2018
Yes, it can be good for all if you're willing to seek out activities and fun. - Mar 2014
Mainly for couples and families. - Mar 2014
It depends on lifestyle and interests. Geneva is a small city, and it is geared towards the outdoors. - Mar 2013
Absolultely. Great city for all. Just expensive. - Feb 2012
Overall, I would say that anyone can find their place here; however, you need fluent French to make connections easily and to find some activites. While there are some locations that offer more English activites, having even some broken French is better than none. While I do not have children, the women I know who do seem to have more interactions with others who speak English due to the children's activities. For singles and couples who enjoy the nightlife scene, there are English groups that plan outings. However, for just an average night out I recommend having French. - Jul 2009