Geneva - Post Report Question and Answers
How much of the local language do you need for daily living? Are local language classes/tutors available and affordable?
In Geneva, almost none, although it'll make grocery shopping a lot easier as the labels are usually in German and/or French. The more off the tourist areas you go, the less English typically, but I find the Swiss particularly to be very willing to listen to badly American accented French. However, you almost always need it to deal with technicians; internet installation, mechanics, receptionists for some doctors, etc. - Dec 2024
In Geneva you can get by with mostly English. It’s great to know and learn French. Most people don’t understand my French and I end up on google translate if there is a language barrier. Five minutes into France, nobody speaks English, or pretends that they cannot. - Jun 2022
The more the better. In Geneva its 47% international so all languages can be heard almost daily. All kinds of language schools are available. In France, where I am, French is needed for technical/bureaucratic stuff. It is always better to get at least functional. The French do not expect Americans to speak English, so whatever little is done, they consider you wonderful. - Jul 2018
Most people speak some English though they won't always use it. Speaking some basic French can go a long way to getting more respect and help. - Mar 2014
Basic French. - Mar 2014
You need to speak French. Some people get by on English only, but then you are not really functioning normally in society. - Mar 2013
Enough to shop and be polite. - Feb 2012
You need to have a good grasp of French to set up house and live in this LQA post. The 3 languages of CH are German, French, and Italian; but in Geneva some vendors are even resistant to speaking German/Italian. The frustrating part about Geneva and the surrounding area is that each village has its own style of French. So with a good basic knowledge of France's French, you can figure out what they are talking about. But 20 minutes away they may use another expression for the same situation. This makes learning French at post VERY hard. - Jul 2009