Recife - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

Pretty small; morale generally seems to be pretty good. Within the Consulate, it is clear there were issues with morale in the past. We now have a very good crew, and morale has improved dramatically. Having quality people here is imperative. - Aug 2020

Small - the U.S. consulate is the largest in town. Others include the British, Argentine, Italian, Japanese, a Chinese consulate is just now opening, and a few others, but it is a very small expat community. Morale at the consulate is mixed, but pretty good. My husband and I are very happy here. - Jun 2014

Small. The diplomatic community includes the US, Germany, Argentina, Venezuela, Italy, Portugal, Japan, and France for a total of about 25 diplomatic families. There is a small NGO community too, but in general the expat community is dispersed and there are few efforts to bring expats together. - Jan 2011

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