Santo Domingo - Post Report Question and Answers

What kinds of gyms or other sports/workout facilities are available? Are they expensive?

Embassy and compound gym, it is unfortunate that the compound gym does not seem to be a priority. It would be beneficial to compound issues addressed. - Jun 2024

Small gym at the embassy. - Sep 2023

Small gym at the compound and a larger one at the office. - Oct 2021

PlanetFitness, OrangeTheory, SmartFit, Gold’s Gym. All are a bit more expensive than in the U.S. but affordable. - Jan 2021

There are a few super-gyms in country. Not cheap but comparable to US prices. - Jul 2019

Private gyms (Gold's, Body Shop) and CrossFit, moderately priced, several offer diplomatic discounts. - Jan 2019

Big boxes, Crossfit, many other specialty gyms, all reasonably priced. - Nov 2016

Lots of decent gyms at various price points. - Apr 2016

Yes, plenty. There are private clubs that offer diplomatic discounts and they are really affordable, otherwise private gyms like Gold's and Body Shop are popular and prices are similar to in the U.S. - Jan 2016

Yes, lots. US$50 a month and more. - Jan 2016

Yes. There is one at the Embassy. There is a Golds Gym, Body Shop...all about U.S. prices. - Aug 2015

About U.S. pricing, many available with classes, etc. cross fit, yoga, etc. - Aug 2015

Yes, they are plentiful but more expensive than the U.S. - Aug 2014

Yes, there are some nice gyms. - Jul 2013

Yes. People seem to like the Body Shop. - Apr 2013

Yes. They are not up to U.S. standards but the new embassy compound should have a decent gym. - Apr 2013

Lots of options. - Jan 2013

All over the place. Body Shop is awesome. - Jun 2012

The GSO compound has a small gym. Local gyms are available, but everyone tries to go between 5-7pm so traffic getting there is terrible. - Jun 2012

The embassy has a small gym and a pool open to the Mission community. There are many gyms and athletic clubs all over the city. - Mar 2012

Yes, readily available, many options. - Feb 2012

yes - Feb 2012

Yes. the embassy has a small gym - Oct 2011

Yes, the Embassy has a small gym. Many people use "the body shop". I think it's fairly expensive but some places offer discounts. - Jun 2011

Yes, but they seem to be priced just like they are in the U.S. - May 2011

yes, two big gyms bodyshop and golds - Nov 2010

There are gyms, but due to traffic conditions, they are very hard to get to. - Aug 2010

We live near "the Body Shop" which is a pretty large and is a nice, modern facility with nice equipment. It is expensive. - Jun 2010

Some, but be sure to read the fine print. - May 2009

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