Nairobi - Post Report Question and Answers

Are local sports classes and/or activities available for kids?

It's most common to do sports at school, but you can find many sports in the local community. There is a kids' soccer team at Rosslyn Ridge. Kids take tennis lessons at the Ridge and I have heard of local swim, jiu jitsu, karate, badminton, rugby, gymnastics, baseball, and ice hockey classes/leagues for kids. It is inexpensive to have a tutor in whatever sport come to your house. Sports at ISK are well organized and there is opportunity for international competition during high school. Many of the practices in high school and some in middle school are quite early in the morning, before school starts. - Jan 2025

My kids mostly do things through their school, but there are plenty of other things to get involved in here: dance, art, martial arts, gymnastics, golf, horseback riding, pickle ball, tennis, and of course, soccer, just to name a few. - Mar 2024

Mostly through the schools though private lessons for virtually anything are cheap and easily available (gymnastics, tennis, swimming, etc). - Aug 2023

Some through the schools. - Mar 2022

Most sports classes are done at school. However, there are dance schools available in Kenya. - Jun 2018

Yes, there are many classes and camps and lessons available. Many companies will come to the house for gymnastics, swimming, music, etc. - Jul 2016

only at school - private schools of course. - Sep 2015

A lot at the schools and the Embassy tries to organize baseball and dodgeball periodically. - Aug 2015

Yes, the schools have everything and the embassy has several volunteer-run sports programs. - May 2015

Through the schools. - Dec 2014

I believe so. - Jun 2014

Yes, soccer, baseball, tennis, probably more if I looked into it too. - Jun 2014

Yes. There are many, either through schools or at the UN. - Jun 2013

Yes, mostly through the UN. They have week-long holiday camps at school breaks or during the summer for a reasonable price (4,000 ksh to 5,000 ksh per week). ISK holds a few weeks of sports camps in June. - Aug 2012

Yes. Through the school or private. Some programs will come to you if you have enough kids and enough room. It can take a bit of time to ferret these out, but I've been pleasantly surprised by what's available for kids. - Dec 2011

Primarily through the schools. - Dec 2011

The schools offer sports programs. - Sep 2011

Yes, many. Many activities for school-age children: lessons, etc. - Dec 2010

Yes but limited. - Dec 2009

Through school. - Jul 2009

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