Athens - Post Report Question and Answers
What are some typical ways to socialize, either with local people or with other expatriates? Are there groups or clubs that you can recommend?
I’m a mom so … kid birthday parties. Beach meetups, playground meetups, Yoga group, book club, local events and museums - Jan 2025
Anything you could want, clubs, travel, wine tasting! - Oct 2023
So, this Embassy is more of a travel post. Unless you have a bunch of kids and live farther out in close proximity to other Embassy families, you will likely rarely hang with other Embassy folks. Traveling on the weekends is ideal anyway, so it’s not that big of a deal. - Jan 2023
Due to housing location being farther out, it is hard to socialize outside your cluster. Housing, in my opinion, is poor and randomly scattered and it seems people move or curtail just to be around other families. - Mar 2022
Going out to eat, day trips, trips to other countries, concerts, parties. - Jan 2020
Diner parties, night clubs, etc. - Feb 2018
Night clubs, meetings people at the beaches and Athens has very nice parks. - Oct 2017
InterNations is active in Athens. Other clubs include the American Women's Organization of Greece (AWOG), Newcomers in Athens (
Check out other associations from the U.S. Embassy's American Citizen Services Section here:
Check out these Facebook Group as well from source XpatAthens:
Greeks are a friendly bunch so you can strike up a conversation with them about just about anything. - Dec 2016
Lots of late nights! The Greeks go out to dinner around 9 - 10 pm, so they tend to stay out much later. Bouzoukia clubs do not even open until after midnight! I made great friends within the Emabasyy and expat community, so we had game nights, book clubs, cooking classes and dinner/club outings. - Sep 2013
There are many movies, theaters, bars, cafes, clubs, restaurants. Also, during the summer, many music and cultural festivals, and many are held in the ancient theaters. Great experience, even though it's in ancient Greek! Greeks are partying people, and your social life will NOT suffer! - Jul 2012
Very active. - Jun 2010
Plenty to do at all hours of the night. - Jan 2009
There are a lot of embassy parties. Other than those, you're pretty much on your own. - Dec 2008
Lots of things to do, pretty safe to be out at night. - Jun 2008