Nea Smyrni - Post Report Question and Answers
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This is a country that is truly at the crossroads of two great civilizations. It is the craddle of Western thought and yet is extraordinarily Eastern in it's mentality and heart. If you enjoy paradox, adventure, like to have a good laugh and take moments to just say hum, wow! you will not be disappointed. This is the land where emotions are more important than logic, there is no need for anything rational as in a Western train of thought. You are what you feel at that moment, and that is enough. Right and wrong are not markers for conduct, and the way you feel, as ilogical as that may be, is accepted and understood. Saying sorry for having a tantrum is not needed. No matter what age you are. Your emotions have free range, and they are not censured. People seem to not take things personally at all. It is safe, there is hardly any physical danger, under even the most heated circumstances. They vent, and then it is done. As if nothing happened, or was said at all. If, on the other hand, you crave structure, logic and decorum, this is not the place for you. - Aug 2006